This Heroine Is Not Pretty


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Li Na’s appearance was as ordinary as her name, and her facial features were neither delicate nor unusual. The only thing she had to offer was her small round face that has been popular in the past two years…

Even if she was easily lost in a crowd, she followed her mother’s chicken soup (advice) until she was twenty-two.

‘Girls don’t need to be fair or beautiful, but they can’t be bad. You must have a kind heart.’

So she was kind-hearted, had done a lot of good deeds, and suddenly became a living Lei Feng. To what extent? From fighting a gangster on a bus to helping a fallen elderly and almost being scammed.

Until one night, she jumped off the Moon Bridge to save a man who committed su*cide for love…

A year later, the man appeared in front of her, as the general manager of a large corporation.

He put his arms around her, and said with a chuckle, “Benefactor, I have come to repay your favor.”

“How will you repay me?”

He kissed the corner of her lips from behind: “Of course, I will repay it with my body.”

In short, the heroine looks ordinary, but is kind-hearted, and does good deeds everywhere to be a good person. Then she met a gentle and rich man who returned her favor with his body.

Every kind girl, no matter how you look, someone will love you.

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Ecirteab rated it
February 14, 2022
Status: c31
Most of the stars are because I like the message of being kind is a good thing, people will fall love in love with different aspects other than physical and love is in the eye of the beholder.

Li Na is like genuinely such a Lei Feng and I like that she was solidly average looking. She has her insecurity flaws and is a bit too easy to bully but some characters are so mean to her just because she's extremely kind. Like is she kind of too selfless? Yes. Is... more>> it hard to dislike her cos she's earnest? Also yes.

I expected this novel to be less developed because it's short but wow the author literally gave a summary at the last chapter. You never get proper conversations between Li Na and ML and honestly his initial falling in love moment was kind of abrupt.

All along Li Na has reservations about the relationship but like neither of them ever discuss it just more romantic gestures or subtle monitoring. The author also kept throwing drama in that feels poorly resolved and detrimental to the mood of the novel.

It's a short read but honestly unsatisfying and doesn't really showcase it's supposed message. <<less
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KichiX rated it
April 5, 2022
Status: Completed
Yeah, they weren't joking when they said that the last chapter is a summary. The author basically went "guys, I've run out of plot (??? Though not actually, more like motivation), let me just whip up a narrated conclusion for you and we'll call it done."

That aside, I thought the FL was interesting. She is kind, but not in the "everyday, interacting with people I know" kind sort of way, but in the "doing heroic/helpful deeds for strangers" kind of way. She doesn't file "acting like a doormat" under the... more>> kind category either, so she does a decent job of sticking up for herself. I can list off a surprising number of traits: prefers to recover using the immune system/doesn't like medicine; likes square dancing; is good at taekwondo; can cook well.

The romance between her and the ML was rushed - it was all set up for a slow burn, but then the author got tired and "ML was stabbed, oh no, I'd better confess."

Overall, I didn't actually think the FL was an overly kind character? More than acts of kindness towards strangers, I'd be more interested in smaller acts of kindness towards the people she interacts with on a daily basis. There's a conversation between the FL and the ML's cousin about kindness versus s*upidity when it comes to helping people/being scammed that would have made for an interesting discussion, but it was brushed over by the author and characters.

In conclusion: thoroughly mediocre.

(Oh, and coming back to add, she didn't even want to fight the thieves on the bus, she was just "forced" to make a move - not exactly 'kind') <<less
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mumu_shin rated it
August 23, 2022
Status: Completed


  1. outward appearance doesn't define who you are...
  2. outward appearance doesn't define what your strengths and weaknesses may be...
  3. "every kind person, no matter how you look, someone will love you..."
  4. helping someone doesn't need a reason...
  5. everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses...
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