Xia Fan Cai


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Tao Mingzhuo was eating when the newly appointed VP of the company walked up and started talking to him.

Jing Ci, “Hello, Mr. Tao. Would it be okay if you joined me for lunch tomorrow?”

“Huh? Okay,” replied Tao Mingzhuo, caught off guard by the sudden proposal.

He was cordially thanked by Jing Ci, who then added, “Would it also be alright if I stare at your face as I eat?”

Tao Mingzhuo, “….?”

Tao Mingzhuo ate lavish meals for the entire week, all while facing Jing Ci’s ‘affectionate stare’. All it took was one week for him to see that something was wrong with their arrangement.

“Mr. Jing, I like someone else.” Tao Mingzhuo lied, hoping that faced with an impossibility, Jing Ci would step back.

Jing Ci, “Ahh, nice.”

Jing Ci, “Do you want Sichuan or Japanese cuisine for lunch tomorrow? Oh, if you like, we can also try Cantonese dishes. There is a restaurant nearby that I know serves good dim sum.”

The dismal possibility that Jing Ci really liked him made Tao Mingzhuo feel down in the dumps.

A month later, Jing Ci asked, “Would you like to come eat with me everyday at my house? I’ll pay you double your salary.”

Shocked, Tao Mingzhuo turned pale.

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Feast for the Eyes
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3 Reviews sorted by

New Bbsnugs rated it
February 6, 2025
Status: Completed
This novel is really cute and sweet. The MC is such a silly guy it’s hilarious, just like a big husky. I love their misunderstanding turned love. Worth the read.
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New KartKid111 rated it
January 23, 2025
Status: Completed
Nice and simple! At first, I felt like the short amount of total chapters wasn't enough and kept this on the shelf until now... It was actually just the right amount for an interesting no-appetite-mysterious-illness (or just a kind of eating disorder that could be cured through watching the MC eat) plot! The summary intrigued me at first and led me here, completing the novel within one-go! Or two-go, since I didn't have enough time to finish it overnight, plus work and all, so I was delayed of reading this... more>> beautiful novel until I finally found my rest. I'm so glad I picked this up, the story is light, sweet and fluffy! I love the sweet misunderstanding and even sweeter and tender romance after.

The other secondary characters are also interesting, neither shallow enough or 2D to warrant indifference, but just a good amount to feel well-written for a short, simple novel like this. I also love the funny little extra chapter, which honestly got me in the first half.

It felt like that girl really helped MC a ton, getting a free special 'apology' from the ML.


The MC is the sunny, easily flustered, friendly-type of character. While the ML was more of the calmer, gentle, and tolerant type. I absolutely love this trope so this novel absolutely won my heart, heading to my favourites. The plot is very simple and easy to understand, which I love further. I highly recommend this novel for a short, easy, and light-read with a whole lot of cuteness and sweet misunderstandings. I personally find the MCs spoken thoughts hilarious, he's just so sweet! And scheming with the way he acts spoiled or pitiful around the ML to get what he wants~ if you get what I mean >-<. <<less
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zenshi1024 rated it
December 24, 2024
Status: Completed
Brief background with the plot with spoiler

... more>>

Jian Ci was suffering of eating disorder where he can't feel the hunger or taste the food, but because of the MC he watched him eating with gusto then he felt the appetite which leads the description. Misunderstanding build up until both of them in a relationship but I'm glad they talked it out. And some readers might complaint how childish the gong is but it's his first relationship he even had a hard time accepting things while being lead on with misunderstandings but he had brains he didn't rushed out (i felt the heartache when he cried, he had all the right to doubt I give him that), he think it over, pros and cons. I'm just glad the ML could lead and understand, though a lot of teasing but why not? Add some spice. But still the gong really is a green despite his doubt he really cared, he found ways.

Anyways. I enjoy it. Just wondering why the low rating.

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