Why am I the Princess?


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This is the story of Kang Han-seong, a man who lived an unrelenting life, only to be reborn as the child of a man named Kim Ji-ho.

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Why Am I A Princess…
내가 왜 공주님이야
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1 Review

New Hrllgody
Dec 30, 2024
Status: c90
Its a fun slice of life gender bender novel. The main character reincarnates as the daughter of a popular rap artist and we watch her grow up. There was supposed to be some plot about a company or something related to main character's past life but is forgotten about and later abandoned with some explanation. There are some ups and downs throughout, more ups then downs but nothing much happens except her making some friends, dealing with bullies and flaunting her talents. Read it if you want something fun and... more>> relaxing without much plot. <<less
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