Unlawful Intrusion Stalker vs. The Man Who Silky-fies Stalking and Completely Ignores It


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It seems that I have a stalker. And apparently, they’ve been unlawfully entering my home periodically. I debated whether to report it to the police, but there doesn’t seem to be any indication of theft or such activities. They’ve started doing household chores as if to assert their presence, so for now, I decided to ignore it and think of them as “Silky” or something.

…And then, I found myself unable to just brush it off.

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Ie de shiranai musume ga kaji o shi teru ppoi. Demo kawaikattakara yōsu o mi teru
It Seems Like a Girl I Don’t Know Is Doing Housework at Home. But It Was Cute So I’ll Keep an Eye on It
It Seems Like a Girl I Don’t Know Is Doing Housework at My Place. But She’s Cute, So I’m Watching Her.
不法侵入系ストーカー VS ストーカーをシルキーってことにして徹底無視する男
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Fathos rated it
November 4, 2023
Status: c34
Actually alright, while not very interesting I was pleasantly entertained. MC is a person who finds doing certain things like chores and socializing as bothersome and thinks more logically and the Female lead starts off with a stalker approach and then just becomes a regular romantic comedy where the Female lead intrudes on the MC's life and makes MC's life more enjoyable making the MC like the Female lead a bit more despite the previous stalking. - Now conversation is hard to follow and you more than not have to... more>> double read to follow the story but this story isn't supposed to give all your focus onto it but to just enjoy and relax. <<less
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Mach56 rated it
August 22, 2023
Status: c26
The premise is somewhat interesting and it's handled decently well, though my enjoyment is hampered by the translation. Pronouns are constantly mixed up, making it difficult to parse at times.
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