Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom


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Bai Song, 18 years old, seems to be a traveler.

After Bai Song was killed by a mud truck, he found himself transported to another world, and he even had a panel that could summon Servants.

Before Bai Song could feel happy, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have crossed over to the Type-Moon world.

Moreover, it was at a time point under the pen of Gen Urobuchi, the warrior of love.

Bai Song smiled wryly.

“If I commit su*cide now, I should be happier, right?”

And then…

Looking at the summoning formation, he saw a blue-gray large cat holding a trophy that read “National Rat-Catching Champion.”

Bai Song suddenly realized that the Type-Moon world had become much less terrifying in an instant.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Type Moon, My Servant is Tom
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  1. all of my 5/5 novels
  2. Fanfiction
  3. (Anime) Fanfiction
  4. I feel ashamed for adding a fifth list

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/08/23 XTraNovel c186
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08/03/23 XTraNovel c175
08/02/23 XTraNovel c174
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2 Reviews sorted by

IdiotKun rated it
June 11, 2023
Status: c50
This is dumb, I love it!

Takes place in the fourth holy grail war, except the years 2012 and just about nothing is as one would expect.

As you might expect from having Tom as a servant, there are lots of shenanigans. I can't really get into much detail without entering spoiler territory to a degree.

... more>> As of time of this "review", translation kinda wack. Like, people having the totally wrong name wack. If you can read MTL stuff and have some fate knowledge ya should be fine tho.

In conclusion, give it a try. Or don't. <<less
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Mahesvara_ rated it
September 2, 2023
Status: c22
It's funny, I had quite a laugh and author really knows how to describe the actions of a cartoon character, but problem is MC almost doesn't do anything aside from just existing and tom is basically carrying the novel on his own. I wonder if MC become important in the story but i've grown bored real quick so I will need spoilers that might make me interested. Might pick this up again in the future.
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