This Assassin is Too Steady


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“Master! Master! This time our target is a beggar!”

Zhang San responded very coldly: “So what?”

“Since he’s a beggar, let’s get it over with quickly.”

Zhang San calmly glanced at the beggar on the street, then turned and walked away.

“Master, what’s wrong?!”

Zhang San spoke weightily: “Little Two, don’t you think it’s very abnormal for someone to pay to have a beggar killed?”

The disciple asked in shock: “Master, could it be that we have to…again?”

Zhang San nodded plainly.

The next moment, the disciple tightly hugged Zhang San’s legs and cried: “It’s been a year since we last opened for business, Master! Take this job, or we’ll starve to death!”

Zhang San’s heart softened, perhaps also under realistic pressures.

He heaved a long sigh, and said: “Fine, let’s observe that beggar for two months first before deciding whether to take action.”

This assassin is too steady!

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onlycrimson123 rated it
January 7, 2024
Status: c41
(Edit at the end)

Chapter 11 Review:

Honestly, I love this book.

... more>> Starting off with the negatives since there is only two.

First, the translation is not perfect. There might be MTL involved as some basic things are renamed after the first couple chapters. Some examples: originally the three beginning cultivation realms are "Human, Earth, and Heaven", but that soon gets turned into "Person, Ground, and Sky." This is honestly a very minor translation mistake, along with all of the others in the book, and didn't impact my reading experience whatsoever.

Secondly, and lastly, the MC can be considered a bit of a Gary Stu. However, I personally think that this is acceptable given the circumstances of the book and it is not over the top at all.

This book is a comedy in many ways, and does not take itself seriously. I wouldn't either. For example, the book claims that the main character is talented in masonry and carpentry, so he can rely more on himself and be more steady. Like, the main character isn't going to mason someone to death. It is more said for comedic effect in the moment and in future chapters, so I do not believe it will impact the story much.

Now, onto the long list of positives.

First, this is a comedy. While there is real action and real plot development, I find myself laughing at the main character's descriptions/interactions/circumstances. This is a real rarity in Chinese novels today.

Related to that, the main character is my favorite part of this novel. Everything revolving around him is very entertaining to read, and I find myself genuinely looking forward to how it will develop.

Thirdly, the actual plot is both very intriguing and engrossing. To summarize without sharing details, the main character saw an ordinary man who turned out to be an immortal at an early age. This entirely shapes his mindset and future as he becomes the steadiest assassin, with a tinge of PTSD. I find it very refreshing and also enjoyable as the main character's actions actually have real reasoning and logic behind them.

Finally, and continuing that train of thought, this novel is incredibly realistic, within its own setting. The character interactions, the plot developments, the thoughts of the side characters, etc., etc. gives a very "real" vibe. I find myself immersed in this world that the author created, and I truly cannot ask for more in a novel.

I'm glad that I am the first person to review this, as I am sure that it will be very popular in the future. Again, I highly recommend!

Chapter 41 Review/Edit:

There are three problems that have been introduced to where I feel it would be disingenuous to keep my rating at 5 stars. I no longer believe that this novel is deserving of it, frankly.

There are three big problems from when I last reviewed.

Firstly, translation quality has taken a slight dip. While there is clearly some editing going on and it is not outright MTL, there are more distracting translation errors happening. For example, characters names being randomly switched and then switched back to the original. They aren't even close as well, making it more difficult to understand, such as Xiu Changshou/Forgotten Enmity. Honestly, I have no idea how that error even happens.

Secondly, the main character keeps flip-flopping his morals. I get that the novel has basically just started and the author is still working out how he wants to continue it. Nonetheless, it is somewhat annoying as a reader to have an assassin main character who can sometimes think of killing peaceful old men without blinking yet at the same time refusing to kill women.

I don't care about things like equality or pushing righteous or evil beliefs on a main character. The only thing that I look for in a novel is realism within the setting and consistency. It is completely illogical to not kill women in a cultivation world, where women are entirely capable of cultivating to god-like figures, surpassing men. There are no gender norms that would explain such an action in such a world.

Thirdly, and by far the main problem, the main character is not steady. He sure makes a good play of it, and he even fooled me for a good 20 chapters, but alas. In comparison to other novels, such as My Senior Brother is Too Steady, or any "steady main character" novels, this main character pales. He has so much sophistry to explain how he is oh-so steady and careful, but his actions completely contradict that.

For example, he meets a young boy for the first time one day and decides to sleep in the same room as him that night. He has done no checks of any kind on the boy at this point, and has no precautions against him either. He just trusts that this boy either can't or won't do anything to him while he sleeps defenselessly in the same room. This is already enough for me to have questions, but then he decides to leave a KNIFE on the table in the room. A knife that is specifically sharp and heavy. Sharp and heavy enough to harm him. Shockingly, the young boy then stabs the main character in the middle of the night.

This is normally the part where the main character's 100 safeguards come into effect and protect him and a-ha! He was prepared for every possibility. But no, not in this novel. The boy stabs the main character using his own knife, and the main character doesn't even have his Qi protecting him, causing him to be rather severely injured.

You may think that the main character would then decide to kill the young boy or kick him out, at the very least, but also no. Did I mention that the main character's forced kindness also includes children? So despite getting stabbed and almost killed, he doesn't even retaliate. Let alone killing the boy, he doesn't even harm him. Then, he is offered some mediocre amount of money to take care of this boy who stabbed him as his Master, and he says YES!

This boy isn't even sidelined or neglected in the upcoming chapters. The main character takes risk after risk for this child who literally stabbed him for no reason and has clearly shown a complete lack of care towards the main character. And every single time, those risks bite him in the ass as well.

However, I wish that was the only time. This carelessness is also shown when he opens his front door expecting someone to be arriving. Doesn't check or prepare himself or anything. Then he gets a mystery powder thrown into his eyes, which he believed at the time to be poison. He could do literally nothing to stop it, as, once again, he didn't even have his Qi to protect him despite the author previously touting him as this amazing cultivator. This has shown me that any passerby could kill the main character easily whenever they feel like it, as zero cultivation was utilized in this scenario.

These are just two particularly egregious examples, but it is showcased in every chapter. While it may be small stuff, it is quite aggravating when used to novels of My Senior Brother is Too Steady's standard.

It isn't a bad novel, but I feel almost tricked by the initial chapters and the name and synopsis and well... everything. <<less
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bozakir rated it
January 14, 2024
Status: c66
This is way better than what I expected. To begin with you need to understand something, protagonist is human. As in he is somewhat hypocritical, dishonest and flawed. Sure he presents himself as the steadiest assassin but the story also begins with admonishing himself for getting c*cky and making mistakes. MC is not a sociopathic robot. He has his emotional moments that leads him to act irrationally.

As for not killing women and children thing. It's pretty simple and got explained in the novel. He is using moniker of his mentor... more>> to keep his identity hidden. So he has to follow Black Eagle's rules, meaning he can't kill women and children and make people suspicious of Black Eagle's identity.

World building is good. It presents a semi-realistic progress of what would happen if lawful sects went decline and bad guys come to power. Story is relatively grounded in that aspect. <<less
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