The World’s Greatest is Dead


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The world’s greatest has died.

But “unfortunately”, I see dead people.

[The World’s Greatest is Dead]
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New Dreyerboys
September 4, 2024
Status: c30
Love the story, love the MC, hate the old man.

However, that last part isn't entirely accurate.


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As you might've guessed, this novel is about a reincarnated man who can see dead people. One day, as he was working, he saw an old man-the previous strongest in the world (now dead) -who quickly learns of the MC's ability to see him and begins pestering him.

For people familiar with this genre, that's pretty standard.

Now, as for why I don't like the old man. It's not that I dislike his character, as he's pretty great despite my general dislike for OP old men. I hate his position in the plot.

Without spoiling too much, the old man is essentially the plot. He's the story's direction, plot armor, strengths and weaknesses, setting (in a way), and more. He's everything. He IS the story. The old man's word is law. He's like the author's subcontractor. The MC, and everyone/everything else, is just a player in his game. Nothing else matters, and that's precisely the problem.

I may be exaggerating it a bit, but not by much because, without him, the story would be nothing. It'd just be about an average, untalented, somewhat fearful guy who could see ghosts in murim.

What's more disappointing is the fact this could've all been avoided if the old man wasn't so "intelligent" (in other words, the author d**k riding him). If the old man and the MC had a more equal relationship, I think the quality of the novel would rise another notch, but the MC is essentially forced to do his bidding (because plot) if he doesn't want to die.

What I think is even more ridiculous is that, even in the face of such threats, and against such a powerhouse of a man, the MC still holds the upper hand. He just doesn't even think to play his cards. Rather, I don't think he knows he has any. Which, in my eyes, doesn't fit the MC's character. He's an intelligent, cunning, fearful man who knows his place and can read other people quite well. But, it's like he loses half his IQ whenever he's dealing with the old man.

To the old man, the MC's value is immeasurable. He's the only one in the world capable of avenging him, of resolving past regrets, and passing on his techniques. That right there is a huge card as it's not like the old man can just take over his body permanently. Sure, he can threaten the MC, even possess him temporarily, but ultimately, it's a bluff. And the MC should know it's a bluff, having been entangled with ghosts for decades now.

Yet, even though he complains and grumbles, the MC takes a passive, submissive stance towards the old man, doing pretty much everything he says, even when he can turn everything upside down.

Sure, he would definitely get caught up in a bunch of nonsense because of the old man, but he can at least make his stance clear. That he won't be manipulated.

But he doesn't. So, we get a story where the direction is based on the old man's whims. Which, might I add, aren't all that interesting.

You'll learn very quickly that he has some unresolved feelings (as expected of a vengeful spirit), particularly of the betrayal/revenge kind, as well as the "clean up my poorly managed Sect" kind. It's not surprising, it's not fun, it's not unique, and things pretty much go about as you'd expect in a Murim novel.

It could've been great, but the MC just gets dragged along and forced to participate in the plot, instead of taking an active role in pretty much anything. No matter how in control he seems, it's all a facade. Every situation is forced; he has no choice but to participate. And I mean that literally.

Hopefully, this changes as he gets stronger, but I truly believe there shouldn't be a need to wait.

In my opinion, the author has taken a 4.5/5 story and nuked it down to something that can't even keep up with average, mediocre martial arts novels.

If you can look past all that, then you'll find the rest of the novel to be rather enjoyable, but in my opinion, the more you like the characters, the more disappointing the plot becomes.
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