The Villain’s Sister


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One day, I found out that I was a side character in a hero comic book.

The original story is about heroes in leather jackets cleaning up criminals in a corrupted city.

My brother was the most powerful villain who was destined to fall at the hands of the heroes.

So, I decided to seduce the hero to change the downfall that awaited my brother and me.


“What’s this? You look like a squid. Stop being annoying and leave.”

The protagonist of this world had a knack for inviting trouble with his sharp tongue.


One day, I found a half-dead man collapsed in the front yard.

And this man… He was the notorious hero from the original story.

The same hero who turned just as corrupt as the criminals he fought, becoming a moral-free anti-hero.

“You are a good person. I don’t want to blow off a good person’s head with my own hands.”

So please, don’t commit any crimes.

The anti-hero’s chilling words sent shivers down my spine.


After escaping and hiding from my villain brother, the hero, and the anti-hero, it wasn’t long before my brother found me—by joining forces with the hero.

“Being under my protection is safer than having a petty sense of freedom.”

Being alive is what matters most, regardless of the kind of life I live.

My brother was angrier than I’d ever seen him in my life.

And then, the hero, his face filled with annoyance, said, “If you try to hide again, I’ll make sure you never leave, even if it means throwing you in prison.”

And as for the anti-hero, who left mountains of villain corpses in his pursuit of me, said, “Giselle. My love. Would you rather lose your head, or live like you’re dead by my side?”

Oh merciful gods above, it seems this life is destined for ruin.

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