The Villain Doesn’t Want to be Noticed


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While selling taiyaki (fish-shaped pastry), I suddenly found myself possessed by the villain from an adult BL novel.

“Hyung… Huaaah!”

“Why is he crying?”

As soon as he was possessed, a child was crying in front of me and wiping away his tears. When suddenly, the handsome main character appeared and punched me in the face without warning.


“You don’t seem like a real human being, Hyung.”

It turns out, I kidnapped his only younger brother and…tormented the main character in various ways. Seok Nam-woon, that was me, the tr*shy villain who relentlessly chased after the main character until he eventually got buried alive by him!

To avoid the miserable ending of being buried alive, I decided to be on good terms with the two main characters in the novel. Then he planned to enjoy a peaceful life alone.

But why are these Alpha characters sticking to me?

“Prove that you like me.”

“Is it difficult to move? Haha, you look like an omega.”


“What did you just say?”

“You have to stop following me, it’s time to stop.”

Kwon Seo-oh’s expression didn’t look good. Weird. Why is he acting like this?

“You didn’t hang around with me because you liked me either. Stop bothering me and live your life. I’m sorry for bothering you all this time.”

Kwon Seo-oh stared at Nam-woon with a blank face. Then, slowly, he spoke up.

“Hyung, why are you running away?”

“…Running away?”

Namwoon gently reached for the doorknob behind him. But Kwon Seo-oh’s long, thick hand suddenly grasped Namwoon’s hand on the doorknob, and with a click, the door was locked.

Kwon Seo-oh spoke slowly.

“Hyung, I know everything. That you’re in heat for me.”

Kwon Seo-oh’s eyes looked a bit strange.

“W-What are you talking about? No!”

“You always say no.”

His hot and firm hand gripped Namwoon’s arm tightly.

“Today, you have to admit it.”

[!Emergency Warning!] [!Pheromone levels exceeded!] [!Heat is occurring!]

What’s heat? Ugh!

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