The Naughty Princess’ Great Adventure


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Argent, the Guardian Knight of the third Princess is bewildered when Princess Pacian (7 Years Old), whose engagement was broken off, tells him.

“I am going to become an adventurer.”

The princess takes out the magic tools used by the Former Hero and sets off on an adventure with one knight.

“Princess, please tell your father to raise my salary. Also, please give me more guards~”

He pleads but…

The new guards and maid candidates have their own reasons and on top of that, they start scouting “companions for the hero” along the way –?

When Argent realizes the meaning of the journey, he finally makes up his mind!

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やんちゃ姫さまの大冒険 うちの第三王女、冒険者になるってよ(web版)
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