The Cult Leader in the Clergy Academy


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“The Second Cult Leader and the Prophet of the Voodooists died during the Holy War seven years ago.”

Florence Academy was a prestigious clergy academy.

“Now that the Voodooists are considered as a cult, who is the Third Cult Leader, where are they now, and what are they up to?”

Only I knew the answer to this question.

The Third Cult Leader was a freshman at Florence Academy. He was here, standing amongst the others in the auditorium.

How do I know this, you ask?

Because I’m the Cult Leader.

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성직자 아카데미의 사이비
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1 Review

Oct 11, 2023
Status: c155
Hi, I'm one of the translators of this novel, Dylinthepizza.

I'm bad at reviewing novels, as you can probably tell from my somewhat biased review score...

In any case, the characters in the novel have dark and somewhat depressing backgrounds, but there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel, so it's not exactly all doom and gloom. The novel seems to be heading in the direction of a harem. At the very least, there isn't much romantic development because the MC has motives that prevent developments from occurring. But... more>> as I mentioned before, the novel is quite dark, so it’s hard to say how the romance will turn out.

The MC is kind but not s*upid. I suppose you could say that he isn't good at logical thinking, but he has good intuition. The setting for the novel and the power system is based on real-life religions, and it's relatively straightforward. It's somewhat different from other novels but nothing absolutely groundbreaking like certain novels. The writing seems to be fairly good. The plot has a clear direction, and the MC has a clear goal, so it's probably going to have a proper ending.

Moving on to the flaws, firstly, the start of the novel has quite a lot of cliche developments. The MC has quite a lot of plot armor, and there is some ‘high school drama.’ That said, there is less of that as the novel continues, and there are also some plot twists that I didn’t expect. Some of the villains and side characters lack character/development. Some parts sort of drag out for a while, and plot progression is slow, as usual with web novels. But arguably, some of these non-important chapters are quite funny, so it's not entirely a bad thing. Also, imo slow is still better than rushed.

Alright, that's all I'm going to say because I have to get back to translating... When I finish translating the novel, maybe I'll update this with a proper review.

Also, to anyone who reads the novel, thank you. <<less
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