That Bastard of a Man


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※ This book contains content about coercive relationships and explicit language. Please be advised.

December 31st, it was the end of the year.

“I thought it was a real pain to have to deal with a corpse right at the start of the new year.”

While lying in a rooftop room with cold wind seeping in, wishing for death, So-hee was visited by a mysterious man.

“Aren’t you thankful for not being dead?”

“Wh-who are you…?”

“f*ck, you’re really pretty, kid.”

The man’s identity was the new creditor,

Gye Won-ho.

“Don’t even think about running away. I’ll collect what’s owed, even if I have to sell a corpse.”

He dragged the phone’s edge down her lower abdomen, stopping at a sensitive spot and pressing firmly.

So-hee flinched in surprise, but the pressure only increased.


She bit her lower lip and held her breath.

“You wouldn’t want to be violated here even after you’re dead, would you?”

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개같은 아저씨
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