Suspension Bridge Effect


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Alluring and Captivating Woman (Zhong Xi) × Cold and Restrained Man (Jiang Kezhi)

Zhong Xi, an alluring and captivating woman, admits to fantasizing about being stranded on a deserted island with her beloved during her obsession with idol dramas.

However, this person should never have been her career rival, or the person she despises the most in her life — Jiang Kezhi.

A few days later, Zhong Xi, watching two crabs mating on the beach, impulsively turned her head and opened her mouth: “…..”

But before she could say anything, a cold voice interrupted from behind, saying, “Impossible.”

However, they end up sleeping together anyway.

By the campfire, the two reached a consensus and signed the 《Three Clauses of Agreement on the Uninhabited Island》:

1. Strictly physical relationship, no emotions or kissing.

2. Male takes charge on odd days, female takes charge on even days, with Sundays for rest and recuperation.

3. This physical relationship is exclusively limited to the deserted island and will immediately end upon returning home.

Do not disclose the past on the island, and continue to avoid each other until death, both physically and emotionally.

However, in the end, they did not do any of them.

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