Strategy Guide for a Merry Bad Ending


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This is a guidebook for a love simulation game set in a virtual reality called the Second World.

The only player invited to that place is Seo Jia.

In order to fulfill her contract with the game company, she must clear all the endings and write a guidebook.

Unfortunately, she’s an expert in nothing but bad endings. And to top it off, the setting is in the ancient Hittite kingdom.

Can Jia clear all the endings and complete the guidebook?

[Excerpt from the Main Story]

“Yes, this game has no happy endings.”

As if he could read Jia’s mind, Tae-eul quickly explained.

“If you’re lucky, you’ll get a Merry Bad Ending or just a Bad Ending.”

“Then what is the goal of the player…?”

“The Merry Bad Ending.”

The sound of a bell ringing echoed in the meeting room.

Merry Bad Ending? Isn’t it a miserable ending where only the game characters are happy while the player suffers mentally?

“Wait, what exactly is a Merry Bad Ending…?”

“It’s exactly what you’re thinking. It’s an ending where the game characters become obsessed with the player, imprison and monitor them, with no dreams, hopes, or future. So, it’s an unhappy ending for ordinary players. But of course, for the targeted players, it will be an extremely happy ending.”

Jia couldn’t say a word. It felt like someone had given her the game she had always dreamed of.

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메리 배드 엔딩을 위한 공략집
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