Romantic Collaboration


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Our families were well-matched, and we were of suitable age, so Ji Ming Chen and I entered into a marriage alliance.

But he had his cinnabar mole, and I had my white moonlight.

His cinnabar mole betrayed him, and my white moonlight abandoned me.

After marriage, we cooperated tacitly and became the model couple in our circle.

However, both the cinnabar mole and the white moonlight suddenly had a change of heart, and now they both want to win us back.

But there is a saying that goes: love is hard to control, and a staged act can also become reality.

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  1. Sweet, soft, and cuddly love
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2 Reviews sorted by

bluesonnet rated it
October 8, 2024
Status: Completed
Mature romance with relatable, funny characters. I wish there was more but to be honest, that's just me being greedy for more fluff. It's perfect the way it is.
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Bookworm_Sueweetie rated it
October 2, 2024
Status: Completed
This novel defined love doesn't always need to have full of obstacles, dramas or long years to measure the depth of relationship. This is such a calm romance with both mature leads who were unbothered with people in the past who tried to stir trouble.

The leads have an arranged marriage but upon meeting each other they find each other likable due being compatible... and later on, able to truly fall in love. Their trust with each other was bc of having open communication and secured in their own selves as... more>> accomplished people.

The Leads


I like the FL (Wen Dong), she's not the usual virg*nal/innocent heroine and she got various experiences in relationship. She's also laidback & got bright personality which suits ML. Her having "white moonlight" was only rumor and it was only one of her immature ex who she had on-off relationship. The synopsis was wrong of her being "abandoned" when they agreed to break up months ago before meeting ML. She actually got good reputation among her exes (as ML said) as she treated them good like elder sister lol

For ML (Ji Ming Chen), he was very mature and gentleman. Different to young men FL date before.

In the past, he has destructive and chaotic relationship. Despite giving up many things for his first love/"cinnabar mole", his ex still betrayed him. Being with FL, he's able to find solace, give full trust and comfortably act cute (like puppy different to his outside persona) to FL. He finally able to achieve good and peaceful relationship that cheered by his family and person who's able to accept him (unlike his ex who made him felt guilty of his privileges)

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