Please Don’t Let Go of That Leash


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#DimensionShift #ReverseHarem #HighLevelSkill #ObsessiveMen

I thought I was dead. Until I opened my eyes again and met him.
“Where am I?”

And I realized this wasn’t the place I had lived my entire life.
A body endlessly weakened; a whole new world that felt entirely unfamiliar.
The only place I could lean on in that unfamiliar place was,

“Ria, save her, my wife.”
He was the one that kept her alive.

However, before I could even sort out my confused feelings, three men approached me.

“I want you to know that everything I do is out of love and my desire to possess you.”
Another Duke confessed to me with a seductive, dangerous smile.

“Use me to get everything you want, take everything you desire, it doesn’t matter what it is, I can give it all to you.”
A Knight who claims to have cherished her from the beginning.

And then,
“I want to reach you. Let me touch you, Ria.”
Even the passionate prince, whispering with his golden eyes that I couldn’t look away from.

As they offer their own leash to my hand.

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Please, do not let go of that collar
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