Ore no Imouto ga Saikou no Okazu Datta (WN)


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One day, my little sister saw me playing an eroge. She is my little sister who doesn’t usually do much. I thought she would definitely get angry. The words that came out of my little sister’s mouth were unexpected.

“Shall I help you out as an apology?”

Associated Names
One entry per line
My Little Sister Is the Best F*p Material
My Little Sister is the Best M*sturbation Material
My Younger Sister Was the Best F*p Material
My Younger Sister Was the Best M*sturbation Material
Ore no Imouto ga Saikou no Okazu Datta
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Ore no Imōto ga Saikō no Okazudatta (Light Novel)
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3 Reviews

New darkotaku
May 20, 2024
Status: c36
Seriously.... This novel is perplexing. It's basically about a average looking otaku who spends his days playing eroge but 1 day his sister runs into him masturbating in his room. So yea normally the little sister would be grossed out and run away but plot twist.... This ain't a normal Light Novel. I suspect the little sister is into some dark sh*t like she's soo shady that she didn't even blink like literally had the same disinterasted look o her face as always wen she helped him finish off... more>> n even let him c*m in her mouth n swallowed it whole.

So yea wen I first read it I thought it would be another innocent (grey area?) brother sister in*est LN but now it turned out to be a novel where the MC m*sturbates to the little sister who I believe is in some shady s*x cult with her friends cause they as messed up as her and honestly that's the main reason why I've read it so far. The plot is so messed up that I can't stop reading it even tho through most of it there isn't any direct action between the siblings other than MC just cumin in her mouth while she watches although there is a part where the little sister sleeps in the MCs room and the both rub each other's bodies to m*sturbate without direct penetration in the latest chapters far

there's a scene where the little sister and MC r taking a bath together and wen the MC loses control to lust n tries to f*ck her she just looks at him at asks "do you want me to get pregnant"... Like TFFFFFF. It feels like throughout the entire storyline she has been getting a grop on MC mentally step by step like she doesn't want him to be I dependant to her or something


So yea that's all there is to say. I have mixed feelings about this WN since the main attraction to this is how I don't know wether the little sister just does or doesn't wanna f*ck the MC because the ways she acts and her sense off morals and dignity is really confusing and causing me to have brain cancer ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

5 stars for making me feel this way after tryna analys it all for the first tym <<less
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Mar 10, 2024
Status: c22
I don't know, this story doesn't convince me, throughout the chapters that have been translated to date, I can easily intuit that the sister is involved in something shady, and probably something of s*xual indolence. The mere idea of thinking about it and it sounding terribly logical makes me nauseous, I know it's a novel, but my stomach is not prepared for something like this.

Pd: You're not going to find anything related to brother/sister love in this, just save yourself the trouble and move on to another story. I repeat,... more>> it seems that the sister is in something terribly dark, and you don't want to go in there. <<less
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Apr 11, 2024
Status: c47
I dont have much tolerance to SM stuff and I almost none to NTR or r+pe stuff, so I had an unpleasant feeling reading this for almost the 40 chapters.
Ngl, the only reason that gave me the strength to keep reading, was my need to clarify all those "enigmas" with the sister and her friends, the author creates plenty of situations to build up some kind of a "dark" and mysterious situation in the background that are teased with vague answers, so that left me with that sensation of unease all the time.
I was looking for a story with taboo relationship with some sugar and some punches to the hearth, but instead, what I found here was some uncomfortable SM stuff and a totally disgusting r+ape. At least the psychological stuff that justifies the behavior of Miyu its somewhat tranquilizing, had the fear of that was gonna be something really really disturbing, but im glad that it wasnt.
Still, feels like the "romance" things are just starting, and with that cancerous friend that Miyu has, I have the feeling of more weird and unpleasant stuff it gonna happen.
What im really missing on this story its a POV from the sister (Miyu) side, would have been really good for the trip arc

The build of the supposed trip was full of mystery, weird things where suppose to happen there between Miyu and the cancer Haruka, involving SM and prost*tution, but the author did not show us that, later on Haruka hinthed that Miyu was smiling everywhere at the trip (like it was rare to see), so that tells us that there was some character growth on that trip that we didn't had the chance to see happening

Anyways, not a bad story, I would say it like a "meh" at the least, b/c for me, some of the resolutions of the enigmas felted quite "meh".
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