My Omega Lover


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Song Yuexue, as an ordinary Beta, perhaps the most extraordinary thing in her life is having an Omega lover. They met in obscurity, and Song Yuexue watched as her partner rose higher and higher, eventually standing in a place beyond her reach.

She wanted to reach out, yet feared her partner might fall from the heights, so she decided to stand silently behind, quietly waiting.

Originally, they thought they had no future together, but who would have expected that at twenty-five, Song Yuexue would differentiate into an Alpha?

Beta marriages are free, but if Omegas don’t marry, they’ll be listed in the annual matching list and arranged with different partners until they marry. As for Alphas, as long as they’re willing, they will be arranged with gentle Omega wives.

Tang Yao’s fans bet that their idol would remain single this year.

Song Yuexue’s family thought the same. They never cared much for male or female abos, so Song Yuexue surely wouldn’t choose to apply for a partner. She would dedicate herself to her position and become a qualified doctor Song. But to everyone’s surprise:

The eternal single female idol Tang Yao decided not to remain single but to get married.

As for Song Yuexue, her family didn’t hold high hopes for her as a doctor, but a year after her differentiation, she successfully entered the institution of marriage.

Fans: No, I don’t believe it. How could my idol, who vowed to remain single for a hundred years, get married?!

Song’s family: What did we miss…?

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BrokenLync rated it
November 26, 2024
Status: c12
So. I recommend this. An absolute gem so far. The gist of the story is, our main character is a beta who can't comfort her lover, an omega, basically because their bodies aren't made to do that. Usually, you'd have the FL be a total b*tch, and maybe slowly fall in love and whatnot.

However, Yao'er, (which is the FL's nickname) is quite literally head-over-heels for her lover. She's willing to completely upend her own life just to be with Yuexue.

it's heartwarming, it's adorable, and its f*cking good. I'd say... more>> to give it a read up to at least chapter 7, and if you're not pulled in you can drop it. And if you are invested, let it simmer and cook. It's shaping up to be a wild ride. <<less
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meamea11 rated it
December 31, 2024
Status: c34
Story is solid so far but man idk what's going on but the translation when it comes to keeping the pronouns straight has recently been lacking, too many "he"s referencing the female protag, wasn't much of an issue before but has been happening alot more frequently, really takes me out of what I'm reading
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