Lingering Game


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Jing Tian stumbled and fell, losing three years of memories.

Three years ago, he was a rustic bookworm who only focused on studying to get into A University.

Now, he is a junior at A University, with silver hair, five ear piercings, tattoos in strange places, and facing the possibility of failing and having to retake courses.

What’s even more terrifying is that there are three men by his hospital bed, all claiming to be his boyfriends.

Gentle Senior: You should remember me, right? We went to the same high school.

Cute Roommate: We’ve been living together for two and a half years!

Top Student Classmate: We just 【beep——】 last night.

Jing Tian: Don’t come over QAQ, I just want to pass my finals smoothly now!

Top Student Classmate: Well, I might be able to help a bit ^ ^

The romantic plotline is a pure 1v1 between Zheng Xunqian and Jing Tian from start to finish.

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3 Reviews sorted by

SirhcSidhe rated it
March 1, 2024
Status: Completed
An excellent interpretation of the awkward braid-pulling first love. The self-doubt, the endless interpretation of every word and action, the emotional ups and downs from the smallest things. Also, the one story where amnesia as a plot device is actually treated properly -- medically, socially, emptionally, -- and works wonderfully to progress the plot. The person in question actually forgets everything they experienced during those years, forcing them to catch up slowly and painfully on the missed academic material.
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twobada rated it
February 24, 2024
Status: --
It might feel drawn out at times but it was such an interesting exploration of the intricacies in a simple relationship.

The insecurities, misunderstandings, unmet expectations, the constant unease that comes with wanting the other but not being on the same page as them, etc etc.

The importance of being upfront and honest with wants and needs from the other, the simple but profound validation that comes with words of love, etc etc.

The way all these were laid out too wasn't preachy nor wordy. So it even though there were times when... more>> it felt dragging, it was tolerable and the ending it all led to was still rewarding.

I haven't read the extras about the side CP yet but hopefully it's HE because they're also cute. <<less
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Doramifack rated it
April 19, 2024
Status: c50

1. This is not a bad story! Interesting plot, expressive writing and main characters have depth.

2. I only fully read to about chapter 50 and then kept skipping chapters until the ending. So I may have missed important development that could definitely negate my review.

... more>> 3. PMS hitting hard right now so take with a grain of salt.

The reason I rated this three stars is mostly due to personal taste. For me I was just too frustrated to keep going, like a frustration when you miss the goal needed to clear the game level by 1 point, every single time you play.


This novel annoyed me more than anything has in a long time. Annoyed me so much I had to write this review at 3 AM. Why?

1. MC irritates me. Author is too talented, they write his insecurity and anxiety so well that it gives ME stress. So, so, so annoyed by his inability to communicate properly. It's not that I don't like shy or tsundere characters, it's just how he's just led around by the ML all the time. Fair enough, he does acknowledge this and sets boundaries with others (eg. Senior) in his own way, but I just hate how his life revolves around ML and what ML thinks instead of the fact he just LOST THREE YEARS OF HIS LIFE AND IS BASICALLY A CONFUSED, VULNERABLE PATIENT. I know it's focused on their romance, but it's just hard to watch a very anxious, introvert only be reliant on some dickhead (see 2.) when he speaks about how he really wanted to make friends. They couldn't have fleshed out the friendship between him and Yang Yue (the one friend that's relevant) just a LITTLE BIT more?

2. If my annoyance at the MC is like seeing your friend getting back together w the worst guy ever because 'he's changed' for the 100th time, then my HATRED for the ML knows no bounds. If ML was someone who was also in love with the MC and didn't know how to express it openly but tries to learn to communicate and care about each other while helping MC break past his self-doubts, then I would love this couple. I would say wow, what a wholesome cute romance! Instead, here I am, praying I never fall for a guy like the ML.

At first I gave him the benefit of the doubt because we were seeing him from MC's POV, but the more I read the more I realised the guy really is just a manipulative, emotionless SOB. I just don't believe he really loved the MC when he knew MC loved him, but basically pushed and pulled him constantly. Even while amnesiac, the MC couldn't help feeling 'deep sadness' because of him. Despite knowing he's insecure, ML does nothing to dispel his doubts when he lost his memory. A lot of the time, it feels like he treats MC like an experiment. He knows ignoring his questions or answering vaguely will mess with his head, but he does it anyway. You can argue that ML is not good with social cues but HE IS! He admits he knew MC annoyed him to catch his attention, knew that he liked him all along.

Honestly, my breaking point was when they went on the aquarium date then ML ruined MC's mood by talking about how the dolphins at the show were probably depressed and harmed themselves. And why did he say this? TO GET MC'S REACTION!!! Argh, I hate this guy so much. It's the fact that he's so subtly toxic, as in he does nice things for the MC but isn't that invested during most of their relationship.


I think this novel would be good for those who like a romance almost entirely focused on the couple only, and written with very poignant emotions. The emotional connection is slow and agonizing for impatient people like me but should be quite fulfilling to others. I do have some issues with some characters but honestly that's very subjective. I'm sure some may have no idea where I'm coming from. I suggest reading and forming your own opinion. <<less
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