Let’s Make Saving a Habit


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The man who raised me like a daughter has been mu*dered.

Using my ability to save and load at any point in time, I decided to rewind time.

The problem is, out of the four save slots, the only one where he is still alive is when I was around seven years old.

Well, what can I do? Life is no big deal—I’ll just start over.


Elysion, a friend I’d known since before I reset my life, called me aside with an oddly serious atmosphere.

“Is it now?”

[Overwriting current save point to Slot 1.]

“I love you, Tania. I’ve liked you for a long time.”

‘Hah, I’m finally getting a confession…!’

Excited, I immediately loaded the saved point to hear his confession again.

[Loading Slot 1.]

[Loading Slot 1.]

[Loading Slot 1…]

[Loading Slot 1…]

How many times did I replay the confession? Elysion, his face growing redder with each loop, finally spoke in a troubled tone.

“Tania, I can tell you again as many times as you want, but could you give me an answer to the confession first?”


To my shock, he remembered everything I’d done.

In an instant, memories of everything I’d done in front of him flashed before my eyes like a passing reel.

Mumbling to myself about how handsome he was whenever I saw him.

Seeking him out and getting all touchy just because I missed him.

And, most significantly, recklessly rewinding 12 years of time to suit my own desires.

I had assumed he wouldn’t remember any of it.

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