I’m Pregnant with the Regent’s Baby


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The puppet emperor who lingered in the pear garden was confronted by the domineering and sinister regent. On the first day of slipping out of the palace, he encountered a very handsome fool. The fool was poisoned, and Chu Zhaoyou, out of compassion, was caught and forced to detoxify him. Later, he discovered that the fool was the regent, and tears fell as he learned the truth.

It is said that the regent would go to great lengths to find someone, and once found, that person would be greatly favored. Chu Zhaoyou: Forget it, he’s still threatening me to abdicate today.

At first, Chu Zhaoyou thought he had to keep it a secret, as the puppet emperor, he had already let down his ancestors and becoming the regent’s lover would be even more tragic. Later, he found out that he could get pregnant.

Chu Zhaoyou: I have to keep it a secret, the regent has ambitious plans, and once the crown prince is born, my life will be over.
Then, his belly grew.
Chu Zhaoyou: I have to keep it a secret…

I can’t hide it anymore.

He searched for him far and wide. The silent favoritism, the aggressive spirit, and the emperor’s suffering went unnoticed.

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March 10, 2024
Status: --
This is a pretty good fluffy bl, there is a plot but it's not too big. However, do not start reading this unless you have money, because the translation team locked the rest if the chapters, so beware 😩
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