I Was Told To Choose 3 Ingredients for the Skill, but It Was First Come, First Served, So There Were Only a Few Leftovers. *I Noticed the Difference Between “Skill” and “Skill Source”, so I Looked Back at Those Who Created Cheat Skills in Another World and Made a Fool of Them.


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One day, a group of 300 people woke up in a completely unknown space and heard a mysterious voice saying, “Choose three Skill Seeds.”

The time limit was 10 minutes, and it was a race to grab the seemingly cheat-like Skill Seeds of “Appraisal,” “Synthesis,” “Transmutation,” and “Healing.”

Amidst the frenzy, Takumi couldn’t shake off his discomfort with the Skill Seeds, and at the last second, he chose a leftover one based on a certain idea.

Afterwards, Takumi reincarnated into another world with the “leftover” Skill Seed, and he proceeded to change the laws of the world with his bold ideas. People were amazed at his audacious thinking, and he eventually altered the power balance between humans, elves, dwarves, and demons.

What kind of Skill Seed did this man choose to use? The only thing for sure is that Takumi’s chosen Skill Seed had the power to change the world.

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4 Reviews sorted by

Sherrynity rated it
June 23, 2023
Status: c34
... I don't know how to properly explain my view on this novel, but... let's say, you're driving a car at 40mph, then the car suddenly accelerates or brakes for no reason.

That's what I get from this novel. Author tried to do something about the plot, but it was executed badly. There was not enough build up, not enough closure; heck, there wasn't enough explanation ffs. There's barely any character development. MC is... bland, in bad way. Inconsistent. Feels as if he's lacking personality. Main heroine also lacks any notable... more>> feature, so bad I honestly forgot her name.

It feels as if the ideas are there yet they're not properly executed. I know I'm not supposed to expect high quality story from Syosetu, but this... this just feels wrong and... weird?

I hope the author will one day looks back at this novel and rewrite it so it will have a proper storyline. <<less
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Ezrael rated it
September 29, 2023
Status: --
the core of MC power is not exactly original, but the author put it nicely so it didnt feel overbearing.

japanese novels always repeat the same mistakes, a beta MC which avoid leadership and social life.

... more>>

the world building is really disturbing. There is so many questions why certain race so tyranical, and why no otherworlder try to fix them.

i mean all of them got cheat skills, why no one want to build human empire instead of become a mere subordinate of a native race.

the opponents MC met so far is so one dimensional. Their moral standard is just so different from the earth, and just exist to be killed.


but I give it a 5 star because its still good enough to read on your spare time. <<less
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Remixed rated it
July 26, 2023
Status: c33
It's generic but I like it. The author is willing to take some risks and that puts it above the usual isekai tr*sh.

It has a creativity based skill system and that can go many ways. Either MC becomes super op overnight or you get interesting theory crafting and skill experimenting. It's looking like the second, but a pivot to the first is possible.

Characters are kinda flat. Not much personality or character anywhere.
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GreenRiver rated it
July 5, 2023
Status: c22
There's not much to talk about yet. The plot is mild, and it's definitely a "light novel" in that the chapters are short and straightforward.

Worldbuilding is bare bones. The author explains the major issues (who has money, who has power, etc.) and that it's a "medieval landscape", but not much else. Also, it seems like people get transferred routinely, but no one knows why?

The world's "system" seems to have some security issues...

... more>>

There are "skill seeds", basic concepts, which can develop into skills. It's like how the elements hydrogen and oxygen combine to make water, except in this case, it's things like "flame" and "mana" combine into "fireball".

The skills that develop depend on the job that you choose yourself. So the "skill seed" concepts combine with the "concept" of a job you decide on (There's no list of jobs, it's completely open-ended), and if they're compatible, they you can learn skills.

TLDR: This guy chooses the job "Hacker" and slowly starts messing with reality...


It's an enjoyable read, but it seems like it's written by a middle schooler, for middle schoolers.

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