I was Summoned to Another World, but Also Called Useless and Kicked Out. ~This World was Easy Mode for Me~


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One day, high school student Yuki Haruto was suddenly summoned as a hero to another world — together with his whole class.

Once it was revealed that he had received neither the Gift granted to heroes nor the Hero title, the princess that summoned Haruto’s group had him removed from the group and “accompanied” out of the castle, since “someone useless would simply get in the way”.

As soon as Haruto left the town, one of the princess’s knights attempted to kill him, by the order of the princess.

The knight had stabbed Haruto, and he lost consciousness, waking up in the presence of a god. The god apologized for forgetting to grant him a gift and gave him “cheat” abilities such as the skill to create any skill he wished—

Associated Names
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Isekai Shoukan Saretara Munou to Iware Oidasaremashita. ~Kono Sekai wa Ore ni Totte Easy Mode deshita~
Related Series
Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN) (1)
The Laid-back Life in Another World of the Ex-Hero Candidate Who Turned out to be a Cheat from Level 2 (1)
I Don’t Want To Inherit A Feudal Estate So I’ll Just Throw Everything On My Brother And Live As I Please (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Light Novels
  2. Suddenly Transported Isekai--Male Protag
  4. Hmmm..
  5. Novels

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08/21/22 Shin Translations v4c12
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07/24/22 Shin Translations v4c10 part1
07/15/22 Shin Translations v4c9
07/06/22 Shin Translations v4c8 part2
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06/16/22 Shin Translations v4c6 part2
06/08/22 Shin Translations v4c6 part1
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29 Reviews sorted by

Shellman rated it
September 3, 2020
Status: c3
In just three chapters:

    • The kind class pres (hero) and the main girl which are presented as really good people, are nice (read gullible) enough to immediately accept helping the kingdom and people that they don't know, but don't change their decision when they hear MC predicts about being kicked out of castle and city just because of lack of skills, despite the other 40 people bringing enough merit to kingdom. I mean why bother helping your classmate, when you can help the people that kicked him out, right? As long as the author says you're good, you're good.
    • The kingdom is pitiful enough to kill one skill-less person out of 41 people, despite others having good skills. They don't care that it might have negative impact on MC's companions. And they just randomly think it's better to kill him when he is obediently leaving them, because why not? We should just hate the kingdom so let's make them cartoonishly evil.
    • The MC's struggles and desperations last an amazing... 10 seconds at most because he now possesses the biggest cheats incomparable to his other classmates, even the hero. He can just create skills on the spot. Thanks to that we don't even have time to connect with MC's feeling. They all feel cheap. He is already strong enough. Waaay more than strong enough! the only thing that awaits us is him getting some chicks every few chapters.
    • MC : This time-space magic is divine grade, better not show it to anyone. MC 30 second later : let's heal these guys with another divine grade magic and don't make up some lies about him not being the one healing them after they regain consciousness. also let's show them space-time magic. I mean, why almost every jap MC is so much of a ret*rd?
It's not really that hard to make a little more effort at the start of the story. I don't expect masterpieces, but at least make the MC's motivation, circumstances and actions a little more acceptable. It's the foundation of your story.

Clearly I'm dropping this.
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Shell23 rated it
January 3, 2021
Status: v1c18
I don't understand the hate this particular light novel receives. Yes, it follows the generic template for a Japanese isekai light novel. It probably does so for a reason. My guess, as a published author, is that you won't get your isekai light novel published in Japan unless it actually falls some what into the template of what a Japanese isekai story is supposed to be.

Getting publish can actually be pretty darn hard, no matter what genre, so as an author you tend to play by the rules until you... more>> get well known enough to not have to play by the rules any longer.

This is not the best light novel ever written, nor is it the worst. The translation is not the worst either. The story is pretty generic, the writing is about on par for the genre. I still enjoy it enough that I've read the chapters thus far. Personally I read Japanese light novels when I go to work, or shall I say when I used to be able to go to work. Stories like these are about light enough for the occasion.

I mean, you are definitely reading the wrong genre if you expect nobel prize winning writing, if you do then google "list of nobel prize winners authors" and go crazy, otherwise, when reading a Japanese isekai, expect a Japanese isekai... <<less
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GreenRiver rated it
February 15, 2021
Status: v2c4
Generally speaking, this is a good LN. Good translation, pace, plot, etc. It's fairly light-hearted despite how the story starts. It's more a story about exploring a new world than revenge.

Most of the negative reviews are because this is a fairly generic isekai where the MC gains absurd power very quickly. But #1, I like isekai, and yes this is fairly typical, but not every story needs some massive strange spin. #2, he does gain power very quickly, in other LN the "gaining power" portion would probably take up 20... more>> to 80% of the story, this story has a plot that basically skips that. If you like the "gaining power" parts of the story the best, then you probably won't like this.


After the MC is killed for not having a cheat skill, the god that transferred him realizes his mistake and allows him to pick his own cheat as an apology. Picking a cheat to make cheats is kinda', well, cheating. But hey, the genie never said he couldn't wish for more wishes!


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TamaSaga rated it
September 1, 2020
Status: --
It might get better, but after reading the first 3 chapters my current impressions are exactly as I would expect given the synopsis above. I.e. MC didn't suffer that much of a loss and somehow ended up with a ridiculous amount of power.

So what if he died? Transmigrators get hit by Truck-kun all the time.

So what if he was being bullied? That's the justification for god giving him anything that he desires? And then he uses that to wish for more wishes? The instant he uses his... more>> new skill creation ability to create the Parallel Thought skill (which normally doesn't show up until late in the game), I flipped the table.

It's too convenient...I can't continue.


I love overpowered stories, but this MC possesses a Drama Queen personality that makes me want to straight-out slug him if I ever met him on the street.

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Sir Laffsalot
Sir Laffsalot rated it
November 18, 2020
Status: v1c12
This LN doesn't even deserve 1 star, but gotta give it that to at least bring the ratings down. This is the s*upidest, dumbest, most asinine piece of garbage that I've ever had the displeasure to lay my eyes on. I'm dumping it here.

Where the hell is the Shounen genre tag? This is definitely something that you would find in the library of an Elementary School, maybe a Middle School (but highly doubt that). As mentioned, it is definitely Shounen, as it is a direct copycat of almost every other... more>> Shounen novel ever written (I hate shounen, as they are all just copycats of each other, with maybe one original thing). It is a melting pot of cliches from every other Shounen Isekai novel out there. And like I said, the level of s*upidity is totally unreal. I feel completely emasculated. I'm going to have to go to the emergency room to get stitches now from banging my head on the table so much. The interrogation of bandits bit was the dumbest damned bit of writing I've ever seen in my 50+ years of life, and was the straw that broke this camel's back - I stopped right there to write this review, and dump it.

If there is something good I can say about this one,

eh, something good -

something good

Well, the translating and editing is pretty good. If I were an English teacher, and grading it, I guess I'd give it a B+. Sorry, but it's not good enough to give another star. Well, it is, but that's just how bad this novel is, so it doesn't make up for it.

I VERY highly do NOT recommend. But, there are a lot of people who LOVE garbage like this, so to them, I say, "Enjoy." <<less
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VBS rated it
August 30, 2022
Status: v4c12
I see people complaining in reviews that he's too OP as he can basically do anything he pleases without any difficulty when the title literally says "This World was Easy Mode for Me".

That's kind of the whole point of this story and the author made it very clear in the title. This is a somewhat laid-back slice of life story about a guy so OP that he can take it easy in any situation. That's what it was intended to be. That's what it claims to be. That's what it... more>> does well. People looking for something else should look elsewhere.

If you want a MC that'll struggle through adversity you're in the wrong place and shouldn't be reading this to begin with. <<less
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Kdv210 rated it
February 12, 2021
Status: --
I understand the thoughts of all his reviewers, keep in mind that most Japanese creations have their MC in a bit of low self esteem, and some of them are pe*verted, it is the cause of their society in why such characters exist, alot of this authors aren't really that good at social interactions like the western world.

If you like MC that are more open minded and less passive, then try Korean.

For Chinese? Well that is quite full of Chinese propaganda most of the times and have scheming mc's in... more>> a lot of them.

Then again, its the culture or social structure of their country that heavily influences this MC.

Thats why I kind of don't like Japanese isekai because of their: Passiveness, denseness, and most above all cowardice hidden in false bravery. <<less
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sjmcc13 rated it
February 3, 2021
Status: v2c2
Not for everyone, but what is. Seriously some of these reviews need to understand that.

This is a "loser " protagonist that becomes OP in a fantasy world that is popular in japan, due to their culture and comparative society. There are some comedy elements (... more>>

the s-rank adventurers seem to be comic relief, on top of being massively powerful killing machines

) but if you can enjoy that it is a decent read.

MC is summoned but missed by the god giving everyone cheats, so gets nothing.

The summoning nation because appearances and reputation IS a thing, especially at their levels, decides to get rid of him to not tarnish their rep with this "failure". So they ask MC to leave, which he accepts and then have some knights mu*der him once he has left the city.

Though when they tell the class that he died since they did not bring back a body several of the non-bullies in his class decide to not give up hope, and look for him when they get a chance, after their 1 month dungeon training the "heroes" are sent to journey the summoning kingdom for 3 months, and those classmates chose to start by going to the town MC was headed for, and it seems likely there is enough breadcrumbs for them to follow due to various incidents


The God who gave everyone their cheats picks MC up close to death, apologizes for missing him, and offers to make it up by giving him the cheats he desires. This leads to an OP MC, though he is not super strong immediately, he does grow very fast.

MC eventually reaches the town he was headed to when he left the castle, and decided to become an adventurer. Wanting revenge on the summoning nation (they did try to mu*der him) he decided to leave and gain strength.

On the way (he moves from city to city by taking escort quests, which are a perfect cover for traveling to another country under any radar, though he stands out a bit to much partly due to his lack of info on the worlds standards, doing things like trivially killing extremely strong monsters)

He picks up the first Female companion (silver haired girl on the cove, the other cover girl

is the princess of the nation he travels to, he saves her maid from some "ruffians" and she tracks him down to thank him for doing so, then he saves her from an assassination attempt making the royals like him

) along the way, and agrees to help her grow in strength. <<less
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Rahmatrianz rated it
December 26, 2021
Status: v03c9
It's not as bad as everyone make it out to be

MC is likeable not Evil and Naive (he know killing bad people is necessary after all unlike now the law enforcement can't arrive within a call but he also despise killing but he'll do it if it's necessary),

the author also not turning the hero to a bad guy just for the MC to shine (unlike other harem author who turning all male character evil so boring MC can secure his harem)

MC is not driven by revenge but not... more>> forgeting it either plus he's pretty neutral to non -human (most MC legit worship them and call them "peaceful" while they call human greddy and selfish even though their human aswell) <<less
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DeirdreH rated it
April 13, 2021
Status: v2c12
What if Superman didn't have any super villains to fight, so he instead he spent all his time writing parking tickets and fining people for littering? If that sounds like your idea of great entertainment then read this novel to learn how it turns out.

There's nothing new in this novel if you're read similar stories. The author fills in the checklist of standard tropes in a way that is simultaneously competent and bland.

Plot holes abound, starting with the fact that the god who gave him the skills apparently bestowed him... more>> with more power than he actually possesses, or else his claim that gods were limited in that world was a lie. The main character wasn't given skills, he was promoted to a minor deity and then turned loose on the world with no goals or instructions and nothing more than a cursory suggestion to avoid becoming an evil one.

That could be a cool story of the author gave him a suitable stage on which to act, challenges to overcome appropriate for his abilities, or at the very least satisfyingly evil villains to curb stomp, but at least so far none of that has happened in this novel.

It's hard to see where this story will go from here. The MC theoretically has a vow to take revenge for the betrayal at the beginning of the story but at this point his standing in the world has raised so much and the people he would take revenge on are so pathetically weak in comparison to him that he'd just look like a bully if he did anything to them now. All that aside, the novel can't really be called bad because the execution of the plot, such as it is, is handled competently and might be enjoyable to someone who hasn't read dozens of variations on this basic theme already. <<less
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scribbledoutname rated it
December 23, 2020
Status: v2 Ch8
Can't say I agree with these reviews. Nothing new so far, but the story is at least a fun read. I like that the MC is mentally prepared to kill his enemies and get revenge on ... more>>

the royalty who tricked him and the knights who left him for dead.

I'm sick of this recent spat of spineless JP MCs who can't even muster the desire to retaliate when a douchey side character craps all over them. Whether or not the MC actually follows through on his urge for revenge has yet to be seen, though.

Some people have complained about the MC not using his skill creation cheat to solve all of his problems, but this may not actually be possible. Since the MC can't create unique skills, it seems likely that he's just granting himself abilities from a huge pool of pre-existing "normal" skills. Skills like "create infinite money" or "take me home" (for example) probably don't exist. I can see such things falling into the realm of unique skills, in the same way that the MC's unique abilities were willed into existence when

the god healed him and sent him back.

So, yeah.

The author should really have addressed this stuff, but eh, whatever. It's not a deal breaker and (like I said) I'll be happy as long as the MC actually gets some satisfying revenge in the end. <<less
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DanzaiYamaxanadu rated it
September 17, 2020
Status: v1c5
Well, so far (5 chapters in) it's your standard fanfare: class gets summoned, the MC being the weakest member of the party gets kicked out and in a turn of events receives his OP endgame god-tier buff. The author establishes that a) the MC wants to go back to earth, sort of, so that's his primary motivation right there, BUT b) the MC is also free to basically do ANYTHING he pleases. At least as long as he doesn't threaten the existence of the world itself and go on a... more>> genocidal rampage. God also points out that people have previously managed to return from where they were summoned though he conveniently has no idea how. Considering the MC can technically create any skill he needs and wants to return home at some point there's your first major glaring plothole all served to you in the first 3 chapters or so. I mean, even if he can't straight up just, like, create a skill that allows him to return home finding out how it's possible should be a walk in the park.

Whether it's worth getting into the story entirely hinges on whether the MC gets any real character development down the road (LOL), additional secondary characters show up that aren't just cardboard cutout harem members (the cover suggests me otherwise), how the worldbuilding is handled (if at all) and finally how the inevitable reunion with his classmates and revenge against the kingdom is executed.

The pacing is OK I guess since the plot is moving quickly along and the author doesn't drag the scenes out for too long, which also leads me to believe he won't bother much with elaborating on anything later either. <<less
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semperfi201 rated it
January 11, 2021
Status: c15
The writing on this one is just really bad. I don't even mind the plot and the story. It really reminded me of Garbage Brave but sadly, this one ain't fun and entertaining to read at all. If I were to describe it, it's like going to a corner store to buy some snacks. But just when you want to go out of your house suddenly you're already on the street halfway there. You're confused, why and how, then walk again for 1 minute and suddenly you're already in the... more>> corner shop holding the snacks you want and waiting in line in front of the cashier. You're confused again, why and how this is happening. Well, you get the point. This is that kind of novel. I can't even enjoy it by turning my brain off just because how bad the writing is. <<less
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pandamonius rated it
February 3, 2021
Status: c11
Had to stop. Couldn't take any more.

MC privately inner-monologues about how he needs to play it cool and not attract attention with his awesome powers, and then almost immediately turns around and shows off his awesome powers for no reason other than to impress strangers. This happens several times before I finally gave up.

Story had a bit of potential, but that killed it for me.
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Zenrei rated it
January 24, 2023
Status: c4
TLDR; The world isn't easy mode, it's GOD MODE from chapter 3. The translator deserves more praise than the author. There's nothing wrong with liking bad things, but it's bad.

Let's get this out of the way: Isekai genre had quite a few gems for a while but it's reached peak saturation; nowadays it's escapism written by people who know nothing other than old school RPG game logic (or copied some from what they already read) but can manage to put together enough of a coherent prose to create a light... more>> novel. There's nothing wrong with wanting to do the genre, and and you don't have to make it overly unique, but you have to look like you tried. No exaggeration, I think the translator spent more mental effort on this novel than the author did on its plot and characters, and that's what bugs me the most.

This novel is significantly worse than most others in its class. Even when making the hero overpowered, maybe they do a montage, or they just accelerate the process a little bit. They don't put the writer's keys in the MC's hand. The MC doesn't contradict himself within the same chapter.

There are tropes that could have been used here, he could have had a really powerful skill but limited in how he could use it, or just not have the mana to use it. There were a lot of things that they could do to make the character powerful yet not a god within the first three chapters. While I understand that actually writing the novel took time and effort, The amount of mental energy that went into the plot and the characters was only just above 0.

If you like it, great. You can like something that's bad. I like the Transformers 1 and 3, but they're bad. Some things are just objectively not good. This is one of those things. I tried to keep going but... it was too tough.

There are decent stories with bad translations out there. Something like this is such a waste of a good translation talent... <<less
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Gery rated it
May 26, 2022
Status: v2c15
First things first, this novel is a very bad copy of Arifureta. To anyone who hasn't read Arifureta and finds this premise interesting, just drop this novel and go read that one.

The protagonist was intelligent... for the first couple of episodes. The moment he got his skills he became borderline brain damaged. And the reason is pretty simple: the author gave him such OP skills that he can do ANYTHING without effort right from the start and that instantly made things extremelly boring, so he had to remove multiple IQ... more>> points so he is not able to think of smart ways to use his skills. Here are some s*upidity examples:


His most OP skill is a skill that allows him to create any skill with no restriction (except that it cannot be UNIQUE whatever that means). In other words, his imagination is the limit. His "main" goal was to find a way to return to his home, but it would be too easy to create something like dimensional magic so he had to become brain damaged



The strongest humans he has ever seen were level 50-70, so when he saw a 110+ level monster and one-shotted it (because of course he did), he acted like it was no big deal and couldn't understand why people were making a fuss, even after they explained that it needs an army to deal with. He even did that again later "I just killed a few disaster level monsters alone, no big deal" and was then "frustrated" that the king made that a big deal



He gave a speech where he said "In this world might makes right, so to protect my loved ones I had to become strong". I don't know if thats arrogance or brain damage, but either way that turd was just handed his skills with zero effort.



He "rejects" his classmate's confession because "he has someone else in his heart"... WHILE HE HAS 2 WIVES. (obviously this scene was just an attempt to copy a mildly touching scene from Arifureta, but unlike in this garbage, in Arifureta the guy actually had only one lover)


Enough about that moron. What about the other characters? Well... there's nothing. Not only are the characters (including himself) very one-dimensional, some are even carbon copy of themselves. The harem members in particular are identical. Cute, shy and fell in love on first glace with the MC, with the exception of the classmate. She fell in love with him when she saw him protect a child and his grandmother from delinquents peacefully without fighting back... oh my bad, that was Arifureta. Here she fell in love with him when she saw him protect her from delinquents peacefully without fighting back. There, now its different. <<less
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November 13, 2021
Status: v3c4
This, by all means is an objectively bad novel. It has all the bells and whistles of what could be the single most blatant attempts at plagiarism I've ever seen. Arifureta is the original, I guess "source" material for this novel. The starting plotline, where the MC gets yeeted into the nether because of traitors is the same- albeit with some touch ups on this novel. The massive jump in levels and amount of skills also holds true in both cases. And, not to mention the blatant ripoff of the... more>> mana characteristics when crafting being crimson lightning. The similarities continue far and deep into the novel, however, it does just enough different to not be under the scrutiny of legal authority (at least, not that I'm aware of).

As someone who's learnt how harmful plagiarism is the hard way, I legitimately do not want to support this author.

With that being said, in a vacuum, where my perception of this novel would have been without the disdain for the blatant, blood curdling skirting around the border of complete parsitisation of another work. I would've enjoyed this, I'm a sucker for arifureta despite my lack of enthusiasm for harem novels. And this would've served as a good time killer. Sure it doesn't have any rigorous grinding or actual thought put into skill selection, but that's a decision to streamline the whole thing.

If arifureta is your thing, you'll feel right at home here. Well, granted you'll have to make a pilgrimage over the corpse of ideals to even even get as far as I have. <<less
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Unianonanymity rated it
April 14, 2023
Status: --
This isn't a novel.

This is the ramblings of what I can only assume is someone that is in their early teens, with an over-active imagination, and who has decided to throw every cliche in existence at us, in the hopes that we are s*upid enough to accept their drivel. If I could give this 0 stars, I would. I would also, if given the chance, tell the author to stop polluting the literary world with this tr*sh. I've seen better stories come out of amateurs. Seriously, who did this author... more>> f*ck to get this published. It's an insult to those who take their time to write good stories, and not being able to publish them officially.

Well, rant over.

tl;dr: it's utter garbage. Don't bother reading, and if you do, expect nothing but disappointment. <<less
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Xrath rated it
October 23, 2022
Status: v4c11 part1
It's exactly what it says in the title, pure author-self-insert power fantasy with basically no deviation or standout (positive) qualities. Fairly low quality in all aspects other than the TL itself, which is well done. That said, I have read quite a bit of it, so it's passable as long as you're just looking for something to waste time and read while turning your brain off. If your looking for a story that's actually decent, I recommend looking elsewhere.

The story tries a lot of things, but fails to really commit... more>> to anything. It doesn't have any sort of focus or factor that makes it stand out, it's just a shallow mash of troupes thrown together. Now, I've read and enjoyed a lot of bad isekai, but this one is missing something that's absolutely vital for any decent story, actual characters.

None of the characters actually have defined personalities, they're basically left as placeholder archetypes of characters that are just there to say and/or do whatever the author thinks would be cool at that moment. They all feel that way, including the MC, which is honestly kind of impressive considering we almost exclusively follow his PoV. This is because the author rarely, if ever, focuses on what the characters are feeling. This means the audience never gets to learn about or connect with any of the characters on any meaningful level.

Even after reading over 3 and a half volumes I don't think I could give a decent description of the female lead beyond "beautiful, white hair, loves MC" because that's basically all the story ever gives us. We get a very tiny mention of her backstory when she's first introduced, then it's never touched on ever again. Basically all of the other characters have the same level of depth, or even less. We don't know why they act the way they do, and I honestly don't think the author does either. <<less
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kelicant rated it
October 10, 2022
Status: c8
It's a pretty generic template: a class is transported to another world and the MC has no talent so he gets kicked out and swears revenge and becomes strong. There are plenty of stories with the same plot. But every one of them is much better.

This story's issue is that it is shallow. It's like if you took one of the other stories of the same plot and removed the details / personalities of the characters / setting.

You're not going to read anything about how the characters are feeling about... more>> the situation. You won't get build up + reactions to any scenario. The characters encountered don't get much of an introduction and they have no relationship spoken of. The characters are just blank NPCs: "Oh you saved me, mind escorting me?", "You're curious about other countries, travel with me", etc.

Tropes such as registering at the Adventurer's Guild and being looked down on get reduced down to a paragraph or two, . They don't make sense, with fights happening in the middle of the guild with no consequences.

It's as if someone read a novel and vaguely remembers the tropes/plotlines so they write a summary and call it this novel. The details are missing and the plot doesn't make sense. <<less
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