I was Sold at the Lowest Price in My Class, However My Personal Parameter is the Most Powerful


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Yuta was sent to another world with his classmates.

In this world, there’s an unique power called “Ludia” which is used to operate humanoid machines called “Magicrafts”, Earthling are summoned to be employed because they tend to have high values. While many of his classmates were bought at high prices, Yuta’s Ludia value was only “2”…

Yuta was sold at the lowest price and became a s*ave, but when he encounters the white magicraft “Arleo”, he awakens as the strongest!?

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Class Saiyasune de Urareta Ore wa, Jitsu wa Saikyou Parameter
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May 23, 2021
Status: --
Kinda meh, tbh. Very simple, not much seems to be planned ahead. Main plot driving force seems to be convenience.

  • oh hey, I conveniently found a new cute girl friend
  • oh hey, I can conveniently get out of here
  • oh hey, I conveniently found some transport
  • oh hey, I conveniently found a rich guy who gave me a job
  • oh hey, I found out my new friend is actually a badass because nobody ever tested her
  • oh hey, I conveniently found a super robot...
Low effort.
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lordkalem rated it
June 19, 2021
Status: c40
The word terrible cannot do this novel justice. The highest IQ of anyone is less than 50. continuity errors abound. Is "wrong think" a term? It better be.

MC is just another Neutered Brainless male chauvinist without any redeeming qualities. and no, not raping someone is NOT a redeeming quality. that is the base 0 state to be expected of anyone.

Bad guys are bad because they are bad and look they say mean things so they are bad and you can just kill them because they are bad. I just wrote... more>> more words and took more time than the writer ever even attempted or could muster before their nose started to bleed from overthinking.

I really am not joking about the IQ rate either. these people are clinically ret*rded. Brain dead. Special needs levels of s*upidity.

At first I thought they were treating the High value people nicely because they have the ability to turn against them with super weapons. But that whole idea was thrown out the window when the countries MILITARY just walzed on in and started committing mu*der and mass destruction when they found out the girl the MC is taking care of has a 30k value. like... she could literally just pretend until put into a mecha and just f*cking Kill everyone. Just go on a massive rampage through the city because you literally KILLED her best friends father.

No brains. No thoughts to ramifications. Not for even a moment did the writer ever even think that these MILITARY people wouldn't be Literally ret*rded. <<less
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TimeVoid rated it
November 15, 2021
Status: c178
There are a lot of things that need to be said to this novel which considered bad and the only good thing on this novel is the translator doing a decent job on translating to be easily readable to the readers.

The Bad things regarding the novel:

    • The MC is truly a virg*n boy who is dense below zero degrees and have a absolute 100% plot armor thicker than the entire robot armies in the novel.
    • The MC is not interested in any girl except his soon to be confessed girlfriend
    • Every time the MC takes command, he always tell to his team mate to take the right and the left while he takes the Middle as to be viewed the Hero that can eliminate every enemy in the novel by himself.
    • MC party members are just treated as secondary reinforcement while he himself goes always solo mission
    • one of the s*upid thing in this novel is that some robots were equipped a magic staff which is seriously a bad match with the genre mecha.
    • The Antagonist is kinda lacking in terms of foreshadowing and introduction including his background story. Author seems to be less creative on the antagonist settings.
    • one of the side character that is related to the story was named Obi-wan. It is questionable why a character were named that way. Although personally, there are many names that can be picked for the character.
Overall, 1 Star
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Amogh24 rated it
September 24, 2021
Status: c200
Honestly I wouldn't recommend reading this. This is the story has an interesting concept, but lacks in execution since early on. The story also takes a sharp downturn after it reaches somewhere around c180 or so.

The characters in this story lack any sense of intelligence, Which makes it pretty frustrating at the times. And there are events and coincidences everwhere which feel really forced, and are there purely to strech out the story.


Some points which I found to be particularly annoying are-

  • The MC just happens to be to places at the nick of time to save the next harem member, who then falls in love with his fighting. This happens with almost every girl
  • There's a bunch of teammates who are literally point spoken about once, and not even mentioned after that.
  • One dimensional characters who abandon every trance of individuality when they meet the mc
  • The final boss wants to kill every human, that's his entire goal.
  • MCs crush surrenders and helps the final boss, because her friend who's stuck over there might be lonely. She also tries to convince a member of the MCs party and her friend to come with her and her imprisoned. This happens around c180, and the story is reaching c400 and she's still working to help him destroy humanity thanks to the convenient self destructive device which was later planted in her. The author probably wants some kind of touching reunion later, but given that they haven't met in the story at all, her character is more of a princess peach in mario games, just a goal to aim for.
  • There's also the fact that he just happens to be next to an immensely powerful mecha which obit he can control, on both the occasions that he was attacked without having a mecha.
  • The MC has his pay stolen twice at the start of the story, but still agrees to keep fighting for the people who are stealing his pay. There's kindness and there's being pathetic, the MC crosses that line way too often.
  • Lastly, it repeatedly happens that the enemy distracts the MC and his whole team merely by talking to them, and it that much time the mastermind runs away, which feels too forced
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l2aYz rated it
May 20, 2021
Status: c355
Your average mecha isekai. At first, MC got sold as a s*ave but He lives as a s*ave likes 1 chapter sooo.

I don't really think this novel has to be Isekai unless Author wants to write some drama between classmates. Well, It has the potential to be like Gundam seed (you killed my bro so, I'm gonna kill your bro) but It seems the author doesn't really want to write that way. So, It's turned to just average Isekai MC group kick around antagonists ass.

Each chapter is short. The fight... more>> scene is decent. I give some plus for Meacha design.

Okay, I catch up lastest raw (355) The story does not really get any better. We got the main Antagononist now but He just one dimension wants to destroy the world. Sigh, The Novel is very easy to read through good for pass time when you're bored and want something light.

I wish the story could be darker. I feel like it's waste potential but that just my opinion.


Kinda sad when he blew up my Arleo but MC got the Arleo Mk2 good for him.

MC uses to have the main purpose (revenge for some kingdom) but now He just gets dragged left and right by the plot.

The plot of each Arc is repetitious. When the girls got pinched then MC will save them just in time lol. Classmate aside MC, childhood friend, MC crush does not really have any meaning.

The whole romance is s**ked since the story is focused on fighting and war butttt MC got like 5-6 girls falling for him? After her Arc ends their presence becomes thin unless they got a whole chapter POV. I often forgot the other 2 male pilots even exist in the story.

It's funny when the author keeps teasing MC and his crush missing each other but Those two never interact with each other in the story at all (except a little flashback). So, I don't feel like rooting for them. It's just used as a convenient excuse for MC to refuse another girl. "I already have my crush he said" yeah but in 355 chapters I knew you're busy on war and stuff but MC never proactive in finding his crush at all.

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Cnine rated it
May 20, 2021
Status: c350
First, this is mean for snack reading. The aspect of how the mecha moving is really cool. The secret behind MC's ludia value won't be revealed until around chapter 200ish.

Story wise : 3.5-4/5 some chapter can be regarded as filler and this trend continuing till latest raw. You'll find that the robo fighting scene is really exciting.

Robot : 6/5 MC is like gundam pilot, so no difficult jargon just the cool finish. The mechanic will handle the complicated things, all he need to do is pilot his gun-I mean Arleo.

Romance... more>> : the MC keep drawing one women after another. So it might be Harem

If you're looking for easy to read novel, this is for you. It'll only get serious after chapter 200. <<less
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Ixcez rated it
February 22, 2022
Status: c100
So yeah I tried giving this a read cause there was another story I liked being translated by the translators and well. The story is okey I guess pretty standard isekai harem overpowered MC who get's underestimated.

The major issue however is the simple fact that the plot / plot armor is pretty s*upid or at least everyone in the story are portrayed as being s*upid or everything just turns out for the best for the MC for no reason.

Like for instance at the start we find out that everyone has... more>> something like magic power called Ludia inside of them and the amount of Ludia you have equals how powerful the robot you can handle is and how much power you can get out of the robot. You also need a minimum amount of Ludia to even operate almost all stuff in the world.

So after the class is kidnapped the MC get's his Ludia tested the machine can measure a maximum of 100 000 Ludia, so the machine goes to max and then goes over to 2 so they all just figure it's a bug and his Ludia is 2. This is just plain weird since they have a multitude of items that can only be used if you have X Ludia so they could have easily tested to see if the machine was faulty or he actually had to much Ludia for the machine to measure. But nah he get's sold for 2 fruits to a random s*aver cause his Ludia is 2.

Then at the next place for some reason the first girl he meets just instantly falls in love with him and oh even though she was sold to a s*aver he never even bothered to test her Ludia so guess what her Ludia is 32 000. Which makes her a triple highlander which is pretty much the strongest ppl in the world and also worth billions of gold but cause the s*aver is incompetent he just tossed her in with all the ppl with less then 100 Ludia for no reason.

Oh they built the fortress with no thoughts of there being flying robots even though that is seemingly a fairly common thing but cause of that my harem girl can just rain death from above cause seemingly no one has half a brain when it comes to wars or such.

Then it just goes on like that with stuff just happening like him getting the worlds strongest robot for no reason girls falling in love with him left and right. Oh and for some reason pretty much the whole class that was summoned with him all turned into Ludia supremacists in like 2 weeks and looks down, hates and even tries to kill the MC cause he only has 2 Ludia and is a loser. This also includes his best friend and for some reason all the girls in the class were all in love with him but are now so dissapointed with him that they would rather kill him cause he only has 2 Ludia....

I mean sure ppl can change but how did most of the class turn into B-class villains that all hate and look down on the MC cause of his low Ludia in just a couple of weeks....

So yeah most of the story makes to be honest little to no sense and everything just falls into the MC's lap, there is no character development, real world building or anything outside of the values around Ludia and how it just makes everything in the world work and pretty much all the girls the MC meets just instantly falls in love with him and joins his harem. <<less
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LTigh rated it
June 16, 2021
Status: c65
So... I went into this expecting some low-effort snack reading.

What I got was a headache-inducing pile of "meh" which could have shined under a better writer.

The story has a lot of potential-- and each new plot development seems to justify the muddy actions what preceded, but overall, the author doesn't have the skills to pull it off.

So MC is configured as a bit of a sperg and dumblefark, which has been put in place to explain many of his idiotic actions within the story-- allowing the first client of his... more>> newly-formed mercenary company to screw him over by playing the "three strikes and you're out" rule, or the Japanese version of it, at least (something about Buddha and a face, or some-such), which is explained later as a rival merc outfit (what has some of his Japanese classmates) screwing with the action report-- "lol, we fooled you, now you're losing the war and we'll both die horribly! Huurrrrr!" rather than the idiot MC being unable to stop the client from cheating him out of his pay.

Also, it seems that most of the other Japanese kids what also got summoned turn out to be a bunch of douchebag twitter-kid once they get Isekai'd because according to this story, MORAL CODE OF GLORIOUS NIPPON is the only thing that keeps the flowers of Japanese womanhood from going into blue-haired twitter-grifter mode (yes, a lot of the Japanese douchewads are female).

Even the supposed "childhood friend" and "love interest" from GLORIOUS NIPPON wind up being utter twats.

Maybe it's to contrast the newfound companions in Isekai World who are far more personable in comparison.

Even then, they all seem to have their personality defects--

    • Loli who refers to herself in third-person with no sense of personal space
    • Kemonomimi cardboard cut-out character who's main characteristic is she's friends with Loli
    • Sneaky Fast-talking Salesman Manager of MC's merc unit
    • Onee-san Gladiator Champion with unhealthy obsession for MC
    • Loli Mechanic with unhealthy obsession for Onee-san, who hates the MC because of Onee-san's unhealthy obsession with MC rather than Loli Mechanic
    • Special Needs Sperg Big Guy who's there to make the MC look like less of a sperg
    • Former Onee-san Soldier companion of Japanese "Childhood Friend" who's now stuck working off her debt to the MC and thinks he's a perv because of Loli and other Onee-san's MC obsession
So yeah, it could be an entertaining story under a better writer, but its clunky execution leaves much to be desired.

Translation isn't too bad, but website navigation is a bear, since it's blogspot.

I understand that they've started doing a manga adaptation, which means there's probably a LN version.

Hopefully, under the watchful eye of an editor and a ghost-writer, the LN may be a much-more improved version.

God knows this story needs it. <<less
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jayjay203 rated it
June 11, 2021
Status: c51
The storyline isn't bad, but only the fights have details. People, places, objects have nothing. It's like the writer expected the reader to already know, then you get to a fight scene and in some of them it's almost spelled out exactly how they move
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ValiDxD rated it
May 18, 2021
Status: c38
Don't get fooled by the bad ratings, I'm sure that everyone who rated this 1 star did not read past c10.

It's true that the start it's slow and the MC is not the smartest but I don't know what are you expecting. MC has no knowledge of the world and how is he supposed to know that he is strong if no one can't measure his ability.

The story gets better after c12, so if you get past the first few chapters you'll see that this story is not a 1... more>> star. <<less
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saiya13 rated it
December 5, 2022
Status: c350
Thanks to the Translator for doing a great job.

Story is ok - a straight line.

The MC has no personality. The merchant guy has more compared to him.

The heroines are a little likeable.

Well if you have nothing to read you can give it a try.
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ZeroA2 rated it
March 15, 2022
Status: c250
I'm enjoying this tale. Feels like the author is trying for a pseudo-fantasy Gundam, but with isekai tropes like everyone falling in love or being in love with the protagonist and him being super OP.

The biggest frustrations for me are the number of enemies that escape to be powered up again another day. The author seems reluctant to let go of anyone who can be an annoyance for protagonist and team.
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DoritosDude rated it
December 11, 2021
Status: c200ish
Well we got here, this is truly one of the most average among average there are, good God, this series really knows how to not even get close to the line of good, the best that this novel gets is decent, it won't get good, most of the times it's average, bad times get mediocre and the worst are plainly boring, coarse and miserable.

The problems with this novel are numerous, too many to count because you will lose interest around a third through, some people think this is a snack... more>> reading, and I beg to differ, this isn't good enough to be one, well if you think that snack readings means skimming through most chapters, reading around 10 lines per paragraph then this might just make it, but if not it really won't

Well let's just get into some problems and points of the novel:

    1. The characters, I believe I should talk about the characters before the MC, since, yeah they are both bad but those beside the MC are worse, much more so, just think of it like this there are like four profiles to every character, two for women and two for men if you are a women you are either profoundly in love with the MC, having become a princess in distress, being in perpetual heat for the MC and not much else and the other one is just sorta there, without much personality aside of being a woman, their name, and their mecha, that is it for the women, they also suffer greatly from being a supreme case of one-dimensional characters with nothing special to their name they are all forgettable and the biggest distinction between each one is their name and how they treat them based on their age
    • Now for the men the two distinctions are you are an enemy with s*upid thoughts, borderline caricature in your ambitions (including the antagonist in the story) or you are a friend which isn't really useful, and have a weird personality or just plain personality, that is all for the men, you may have noticed that it is shorter than the womens, and that is because the author probably doesn't care about any of them and would much rather give the women screen time
    • Since this applies to both men and women I'll put it as an extra point, they are all super dumb without capabilty to have rational or just average and proper thinking, examples would deem spoilers and I don't really care to show them so just trust me on this one (I ought to put some disclaimer there are some characters that are fine, and one that is good, the only good one is Jean to be honest)
    • The MC sucks, he is denser than a black hole, made stronger by plot armor, his personality is "I don't really know why but everyone thinks you are cool, strong, kind, a good guy, super lovable, a leader, someone you can trust, blah blah blah", basically a non-apologetic self insert, and a pretty bold one in that it doesn't try to either hide it or make anything interesting about him, also just doesn't care about what anyone else thinks when he makes choices and isn't surrounded by them it's like he forgets their existence as soon as he passes like 3 hours without them and isn't on a mission, actively disregards any advancment women do unto him that isn't the girl he likes, which in and of itself isn't inherently bad, problem being that he doesn't even acknowledge anything about it, not even to give them some type of response, he is also the type of protagonist that gets told everything to do by everyone else in regards to the story, just gets dragged around by everyone
    • The antagonist is a true cartoon character with flimsy motivation and nothing to write home about (short because that's just the way it is)
    • The plot blows, it is non-existent in the first hundred or so chapters, where there is nothing to do but "just keep going, continue the story, write something maybe the MC like, meets some people like their classmates or whatever, they fight here and there, perfect, this is the novel right now", then around the 200th the antagonist comes with pretty dumb reasons to be the way he is, and despite being somewhere along 300 IQ thinks like one with 20 for anything that is not a machine, and the rest of the plot becomes the MC dealing with what the dude does
    • The fights, now with this one, I am pretty mixed, they aren't anything special the way they describe anything isn't really unique, and doesn't leave much for the imagination, but they aren't badly written and are sorta enjoyable, overall the battles are probably the best part of the novel, there are some exceptions where you have some background where some characters are thinking about something during the fight, but putting it aside it is ok, decent really, if the whole thing were like its battles I'd consider this a better novel, the snack reading it is described as by some, although most of the time there are no stakes as we all know that our protagonist won't lose and if he does it's because the plot wants it, putting aside the fact that they are used for convenience they are fine
    • The measuring system in the novel is pretty much plain, nothing special, all you have to know is that the MC is like above and beyond anything close to what they have there, that is it, they don't explain much about how the machinery functions other than cosidering the measuring value, but I don't know if this can be put against the author, as this would be very in-depth and very hard to properly explain, so it is hard to put it against him but I think this is something to be taken into account
    • The world seems fine, the setting isn't bad, not much to say in regards to this, it isn't heavily explained or talked about, sometimes they explain countries, national borders, alliances, in terms of political-geographic stuff and in terms of scenery it sometimes explains mountains and rivers and the likes, just where they are currently or the battlefields they fight in, the explanations about either aren't bad, or at least it's like its battles, most of it decent, surprisingly, without taking into account one spoiler situation that occurs when the antagonist appears due to no foreshadowing and reaching to basically make it happen, this stuff is mostly decent
That is it, if you want the TL;DR the novel is heavily average, expect more mediocrity than most, if it weren't for the fact that the battles themselves aare not bad this novel would be an easy 2 <<less
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57eve rated it
September 2, 2021
Status: c187
In general this is good and refreshing, the system class by Ludia value, Mecha action, but the MC char is same like others general isekai Japan char, (it's kind shallow char) I think one only have a deep char here is Jean (for a side char, he is somehow give an deep accent), for the plot i'll think is rate 3, 5/5 I love the re-unite chapters, but the one I think the author shallow is, the name of the characters (obi-wan? Lucifer? Come on author can make up... more>> a more good name then that) otherwise for an anti-mainstream isekai type I recommended this <<less
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Fic3R rated it
May 7, 2024
Status: c460
This is one of the border-line snack reading novels. If you try to binge read it, it'll get boring 100+ chapters in.

Story: (7/10) The story is one of the borderline average story you'll ever read. The concept is unique, yes. Mix of gundam, code geass etc. with isekai mixed in it. The story gets way better after 200 chapters or so. If you can't last the first 200 or so chapters just don't read it. But for me, I just found the story unique.

Writing: (9/10) This webnovel has... more>> one of the best writing I have ever written in any webnovel. As I said 'webnovel'. Now, in general if I were to rate in even in Light Novel category it'll get like a 8 at least. The fight scenes, which are the main highlights, are so beautiful described. And even besides that the other parts are also really good. It would have been a 10 if it just had better explanation for the other minor scenes but whatever. Props to the TLs too.

Character Development: (6/10) The character developments are just slow. And for the first 200 chapters, the MC's character just felt plain boring hero type. It gets better later on.

The subjects below won't get a rating.

Romance: 460+ chapters in still no confirmed romance. : (

World: Pretty good actually, not that good not that bad. If I had to rate I'd give it a 7.

Pacing: Confusing. First 200 chapters, it was slow, next 200 chapters pretty mid, after that I'm confused.

Character Introductions: Author sucks at it lol. They are pretty iffy and unrealistic. Example, the introduction of Jean was so odd and why did he even help him? So, unnatural. It continues on to the later introduced characters, too.

World Setting: I think it was supposed to be dark? After like 20/30 chapters in it doesn't feel that dark anymore.

Heroines: idk even know If the characters I am involving are even heroines. But whatever. Basically they are... likeable? Some might feel intriguing at first impressions but all of them get better fsr. :/

Overall: Pretty mid story. The author doesn't carry much things to build the story but he's trying his best. Give him his credit. It's pretty enjoyable if you read it in between breaks and all since chapters are small and all. There are a lot of negatives reviews but don't mind them. Bcz all of them are below 200 chapters. Almost all of reviews that are good are above 200 chapters. Anyway, it's your choice if you wanna read a gundam mecha fantasy anime. <<less
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Dachuu rated it
June 20, 2021
Status: c27
I've been wanting to see mecha genre novels because very few can genre about it, most of the novels focus on magic and life, so I won't say much about this. About the content his fortunes all appear like in other novels, the plot development is quite fast and I will have to re-read the previous contents to understand the following plot, I hope the author will give The plot of each chapter is longer and has depth to understand their lives and psychology
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xwhy rated it
May 4, 2021
Status: c7
I like the setting, but I expected it to be a little more dark I guess. Also the author sucks at character intros. I had to look back at the summary to make sure I knew the MC's name. It has potential, but I'll wait for more chapters to get TL'd.
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May 3, 2021
Status: c6
The second story of this type that I've seen. This time with a more curious main character that's willing to move a little.

... more>>

The second story that I've seen where the magic reading meter doesn't have enough digits. I'm kind of curious why it's "2" again though.

On the bright side, this version of that tale is a bit more serious since the main character is dropped straight to the bottom and doesn't have a high-ranking family to protect him this time. It's not hell mode since he can cheat the system, but it's definitely not the casual run-through from the other story.

And to further help, he's also less trying to find ways to preserve a sedentary lifestyle and more curious and adventurous. That other story was charming in its own way but this one has the making for a more dynamic story.

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