I Only Transferred to Another World Away from Home! But It Seems Like It’s Connected to Japan Just a Little Bit


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“The protagonist is a caring older brother and his little sister, who loves her big brother dearly, who were both transported to another world. They lived in an old house far away from civilization, and suddenly, their house was also transported to this new world.

After the transfer, they discovered that a part of their old house was now a newly built main house, connecting them to Japan. Although they gained incredible powers as a bonus from the transfer, they haven’t realized it yet. Protected by their sturdy home and their cheat abilities, they defeat monsters and level up, just like in a video game.

They lead a life in the other world, using Earth’s items and sending items they obtain in the other world back to Earth.”

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Our detached building got transferred to another world! But it seems that it's connected just a little bit to Japan.
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dragonulera rated it
December 7, 2023
Status: c45
Found it interesting to the point where they actively began to get involved with the society in the other world. It suddenly became boring.

I mean, yeah, it's not like I am saying that author should avoid that altogether. No, what I mean, is that the way the author had them interact with the society feels boring.
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