I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World


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This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community, where powerful wizards wantonly capture gods, conquer planes, and reshape civilizations.

Upon entering this world, Lynn realized that knowledge is power, and power is truth. On the path of seeking truth, he will always remains a humble apprentice.

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07/29/23 Shanghai Fantasy c10
07/29/23 Shanghai Fantasy c9
07/24/23 Shanghai Fantasy c8
07/24/23 Shanghai Fantasy c7
07/15/23 Shanghai Fantasy c6
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05/18/23 Shanghai Fantasy c4
05/04/23 Shanghai Fantasy c3
04/20/23 Shanghai Fantasy c2
04/06/23 Shanghai Fantasy c1
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3 Reviews sorted by

onlycrimson123 rated it
February 9, 2024
Status: c50
A pleasant, slow-paced read about a Wizard-ruled world.

This novel is currently a great read but, more than that, I'm excited for its future. The foundation has been laid out for a potentially fantastic plot, with mysteries and foreshadowing already being introduced.

Additionally, I love the cultivation system. In this world, wizards are 'scholarly', and the main character says himself that the strongest wizard is the most diligent one. I love this concept as the novel will surely go in-depth into the experiences and experiments of the main character with the different... more>> branches of wizardry in the future.

The translation is high-quality with no mistakes that I could see. However, it seems that the translation is overly slow? I read this book in one sitting so I have not experienced it myself, but it seems that the translators have only released 50 chapters in the span of 10 months. Also, these are relatively shorter chapters, with probably around 1000 or less words each.

Another thing is that the main character is overly ruthless. The book begins with him seeing an experimental subject being tortured and feeling upset that he is unable to help them. But merely a couple of days and a few chapters later, he is mercilessly killing multiple people who have done him no wrong. There is no mention by the author of what caused this enormous shift. It isn't jarring to read, but I just find it weird that the author would even begin the novel giving that impression.

Regardless, I had a good time reading this and it, overall, is something I would highly recommend.

TL;DR: A great read with even greater potential, but who knows how many years it will take to fulfill that potential. <<less
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nanasi-san rated it
August 12, 2023
Status: c10
Seems interesting and concise where I am at the story right now. Everything's on point, no one's breaking characters. Though I would say it's progressing fairly slowly but I guess after the readers are familiar with the world we can expect some action, at least I hope so. Gave it five stars to help with the algorithm. In actuality it's like 4 which is the highest it can get as it only has 10 chapters.
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the_black_gift rated it
December 9, 2023
Status: c192
Soo great. I really like what is translated so far. However I can not truly tell just yet how great the rest of the novel is, because at this point the plot is at an important point of change. How the author writes this change and how the plot is going to be afterwards will be the most significant factor in how good the novel will truly be. After this weak point (change of style) which has destroyed many novels I would expect no significant change in novel quality for... more>> a long time.

Edit: I've read up to chapter 192 and I must say I would give this novel 3/5 stars by now.

After the turning point I mentioned the quality of the novel drops.

  1. The author introduces game-like elements- being able to lvl up for example goblins to goblin engineers via rituals and adding other other stuff which does not fit into the setting.
  2. The protagonist throws his intelligence out of the window. He is still capable at researching thanks his cheats, but he often makes s*upid mistakes and needs to be saved by others, like his mentor. He kills people with strong backgrounds he wouldn't have needed to antagonize, tries to resurrect the dead and rewind time, which would have caused a dangerous backlash, but of course his mentor resolved it for him.
  3. For some reason everyone is willing to work with him. While he is still a wizard apprentice gods, abbys lords and other powerful existences are willing to work with him, an insignificant wizard apprentice. This doesn't make much sense.
  4. He is needlessly evil. Do you know Leylin from Wizard from the Magus World? He is an evil protagonist I appreciate. Lynn however may kill a hundred thousand people just to vent his emotions.
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