How to Survive Restructuring


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The moment I received the restructuring notice from my company, the world changed with a deafening roar, as if the sky was collapsing.

[The sale of this Earth has been decided.]

[Restructuring of personnel will be carried out.]

A life-or-death restructuring. Missions that grant special powers upon completion. If this is some miraculous prank, I’ll give it my all!

“I found it. A way for us all to survive.”

The meteoric rise of Lee Eunho, the restructuring target, begins now!

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구조조정에서 살아남는 법
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Aas26 rated it
January 20, 2025
Status: c31
The MC (Lee Eunho) is the calm, smart, observant, and adaptive type. Oh and he's also a somewhat "hero" kind of MC (tries to save the ones that he knows or close to), which I'm fortunately a fond of but I know that some people are not. The MC is thankfully a Korean one and not Japanese one in the sense that he knows and does punish the people that are bad. Now the side characters, Kim Jieun seemingly looked like a typical burden, but turns out to be more... more>> useful especially after a breakdown that she had and MC helping her to choose a reward that enhances her mental fortitude, picture it as Yoo Sangah from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (without the enhancing part). Choi Jaehyuk is the more brawns than brains kind of character, he's not as dumb as the usual kind but definitely not smart but rather "normal" person smart, and being the brawns than brain kind of character, he is capable and not a burden of any kind. I feel like he was made to be similar to Lee Hyunsung from ORV again, but fails to do so if that was the intention. Honestly not much can be said about him as he feels even more so as a side character than Jieun. The more I think about it, the character composition feels similar to ORV but maybe I'm wrong.

The story itself is nothing much, the early trials feels similar to Return to Player manhwa/novel as it has stuff like Safe Zones. Anyone that failed to reach on time to the Safe Zone or is outside of it gets deleted, which can definitely be viewed like failing a selection of an interview (aka restructuring). And even though I'm still at the early chapters (31) I can somewhat see how these types of stories goes and what mission will be given etc, which should tell you why I said the story isn't much. Oh and one more reason why I used ORV characters earlier for comparison is becuz this story also has the whole "administrator" or "moderator" who gives out the missions, as of now though there doesn't seem to be anything remotely close to being a "constellation".

Overall, it's a decent time pass. I started from the manhwa before coming here to the novel, and although I didn't re-read the novel from the start but instead just continued from where the manhwa is atm (chapter 27 manhwa = chapter 24 novel), I can say and see that they have differences between them. Read it if you're out of smth to read.

Ps. Don't read this on ippotranslation becuz although they have managed to remove all sorts of "trademark" and make it seem like they are the ones that did the translation, they in fact are not and are just stealing it from the original tl team Helheimscans, or at least looks to be the case (as of me writing this, chapter 31 had a trademark/section where it says Helheimscans along with the translator, proofreader, and a discord link invite). Oh also, Helheimscans are wayy ahead (free chapter currently is at 71 while their premium/locked chapters are till 84). Idk why Helheimscans didn't upload their releases here to be honest. <<less
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