How To Make A Kind Savior An Emperor


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“I’ll do my best. So you don’t have to worry about anything from now on.”

Ines was falsely accused of killing her husband and spent 10 hellish years in prison. Was there no dream or hope in her life?

After being released, she witnessed her husband, Joseph Benois, alive and she was hit by a carriage while chasing him and died.

When she opened her eyes again, everything was peaceful 12 years ago.

Ines, who was blindly in love, was no longer there.

“You’re not planning to make me live as a commoner’s wife, right?”


“If you really want to marry me, you must put in effort too.”

However, the savior who saved her life before her return, Prince Carson von Raymond, appeared in front of her, obsessed with revenge.

He probably had no previous memories, but he came to Ines’s place as the lord, and as if he was being led by fate, he helped her every time…

“I’m not going to leave you alone anymore. I will let you know that you’re not okay at all.”

Ines, who had become a sinner because of revenge, was completely captivated by her loving savior.

“So please hold my hand tighter.”

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