Having an Overprotective Fiancée as a Sickly Villainess– she plans her escape!


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On one fine day, Fiona remembered her past life after the shock of falling down and realised that she has been reincarnated as a villainess.


Even though she is a villainess, her family is both rich and powerful with her father being a marquis. Her parents pampered her to no ends doting on her regardless of her requests, and the heroine has yet to be bullied, so she may be able to avoid conviction of death or life imprisonment.

As a former company animal, she had a feeling that she would be able to relax unlike in the previous life, so she thought, “Isn’t this lucky?” but soon changed her mind.

This body is too weak!

The strong light rays of the sun makes you feel lightheaded and collapses immediately after. When you run, you collapse out of heart palpitations and shortness of breath. You can fall down without doing anything somehow eventually.

Was this even in the original work!?

I know now. Why was Fiona the villainess in the first place?

She was so sick that she was made a scapegoat for the accusations of bullying against the heroine.

However, if things go on like this, she wouldn’t be able to lead a relaxing laid-back life!

Or rather, she couldn’t be able to stand her own frail health!

Fiona tries to improve her physical condition, but… she has a naive understanding of everyone in this world, especially those feeling unwell.

Why is steak served when someone is unwell!? To build up and conserve physical strength? There’s no way a chronically sick person should be eating it in the first place!

I’ll make changes for my own life!

Fiona decides to be healthy with this world’s knowledge for a comfortable life.

Then, Louis, the legitimate son of the duke’s who is also her arranged fiancee, who was on bad terms with Fiona, changed…?

“I won’t let you go.”

“You can request for anything from now on. I’ll make sure all your wishes come true.”

Oh, that’s strangely weird! This is too sweet as compared to the original work.

Fiona was still unaware of the future consequences of not taking care of her own health, and she collapsed again today.

A romantic comedy about a villainess who struggles to become healthy as she is chronically sick ends up causing an unexpected impact on those around her x her fiancée who becomes obsessed with her, doting and overprotective of her to no end.

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