Flying Lightning Knives


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Bi Ryu-yeon, an eccentric young man in his early twenties.

He encounters the world of martial arts when he meets his master at the age of ten after becoming an orphan.

His destiny soon changes upon a chance meeting with the students of Heavenly Martial Academy.

Riding on the ‘fragrances’ of a ‘Black Zither’ and ‘Flying Lightning’, ‘Bi Ryu-yeon’ and his ‘eccentric master’ emerge in the martial world.

It’s an adventure of unpredictable ultimate martial arts and extraordinary exploits until the very last moment.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Lightning Degree
Master of Flying Lightning Knives (Official)
Masters of Lightning Knives
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  4. Martial Arts Shonen
  5. Low page/2024

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/25/24 Raei Translations v13c23
10/24/24 Raei Translations v13c22
10/23/24 Raei Translations v13c21
10/22/24 Raei Translations v13c20
10/21/24 Raei Translations v13c19
10/18/24 Raei Translations v13c18
10/17/24 Raei Translations v13c17
10/16/24 Raei Translations v13c16
10/15/24 Raei Translations v13c15
10/14/24 Raei Translations v13c14
10/11/24 Raei Translations v13c13
10/10/24 Raei Translations v13c12
10/10/24 Raei Translations v13v12
10/09/24 Raei Translations v13c11
10/08/24 Raei Translations v13c10
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