Destroy Apollo


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Once upon a time, three-dimensional beings could use massive libraries of materials to feed AIs, enabling them to learn to write poetry and create art. And as for Apollo, this super AI’s study materials comprised the entirety of human society, from past to present—history, philosophy, mathematics, logic, and art… everything imaginable.

Under Apollo’s guidance, humanity, having departed from Blue Star, flourished with order and vitality, realizing a utopia, embracing an ideal nation.

Everyone was satisfied—except… some women.

It must be known: a thousand-mile dike can be breached by an ant hole, and a thousand-year iron curtain can be destroyed by a virus. Any system that seems airtight always has worms within.

In time, they will swim through a sea of blood, reach the other shore, overthrow the past, and forge a future belonging solely to women.

“Edith, I hope you choose to be a rebel.

I hope you do not comply.

I hope you do not forget.”

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Apollo's Destruction
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