Deep Breath


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Kenji Yachi was laid off from the foreign company where he had worked for nearly 20 years. Now, over 40 years old, he started a part-time job at a bento shop. As he was healing from the shock of being laid off and living peacefully, Haruno suddenly appeared before him. Haruno was an elite worker who had graduated from an American graduate school and was the younger boss who had coldly informed Yachi of his dismissal. Although Yachi wished to never see him again because it reminded him of the feeling of being declared incompetent, Haruno came to the shop every weekend, bought a bento, and started talking to him. What are his true intentions…?

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2 Reviews sorted by

Sillyg00se rated it
August 29, 2024
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed reading this and the quality of the translation is very good.

It is a very sweet and romantic story - it may be abit of a slow burn but I enjoyed the development of their relationship.. It felt very natural to me. There are many sweet moments and I thought it was cute how the younger boss, Hasuno, who is usually so self assured and forthright can't help but feel a little insecure because it's so important to him that he doesn't do or say anything to hurt,... more>> anger or inconvenient Yachi. He is used to being independent and cutting himself off emotionally but he just cherishes Yachi so much. <<less
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Owlawake rated it
September 2, 2024
Status: Completed
It is really sweet and good. A quiet romance but with enough tension and lovable characters. Don't miss this if you're looking for a good vibe.
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