‘Daughter’s Fool’ Was the Concept, Wasn’t It, Duke!


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I possessed ‘Extra 1’ in the romance-fantasy.
The problem is that this extra is the adopted daughter of the main villain in the novel.
The even worse problem is that, years later, that villain sacrificed his daughter!
Because of that, I found a way to become an essential person in this family.

“Duke! With this kind of way, the Duke of Schlager family can’t last long. We have to change the image!”
“Ha, is it trying to start a charity work like others?”
“Ey, if it’s like that, then the image surely has already been ruined. There is only one thing you guys can do! It’s the ‘daughter’s fool’ concept!”

Duke Schlager, with the daughter’s fool concept.
The two older brothers above, with the younger sister’s fool concept. They began to transform.

Then the villain duke family’s reputation changed little by little!

– I heard he’s so kind to his adopted daughter?
– I definitely thought he had a plot in mind since he adopted an orphan, though.

Thanks to this, even it seems to be easier for the villainous duke to do business.
Duke, you know my worth, right? So, please don’t kill me!

…It was good up to here, however.

Even at home, the Duke does the concept.

“I’ll read you a fairytale book, Sol. Hmm? Why am I reading it to you, you ask? So that I can brag about it to people during the day.”

The malicious older brother, who was ordered to do the sister’s fool concept, is also friendly at home.

“Even if someone bothers you, don’t take revenge recklessly. After getting the right timing for you to get out of the suspect line, I’ll take care of it.”

And also.

“Sol, something like you is totally not cut… cu, cu… I mean, it’s cute! I hate tsundere concept!”

The youngest older brother who was ordered to do the tsundere concept… is overly in pain.

They say it’s a villain family.
Just why the hell, is this house like this?

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딸바보는 컨셉이었잖아요, 공작님!
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2 Reviews sorted by

Medea_p13 rated it
August 11, 2024
Status: c14
I’m not far in so I can’t give a reliable or detailed judgement but so far it’s a cute story, I think it’s more realistic than some other isekai stories where they are reincarnated as a kid and immediately start acting like a child, I think it makes it a little more relatable. Considering it’s only the first 14 chapters, there isn’t too much to go on but the family relations are just starting to mingle and collide. I would recommend giving it a try if you like family stories... more>> with a twist (so far) <<less
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MyRAMEN rated it
February 12, 2023
Status: c4
Sadly the synopsis was the better story. The author could not match the unique ish story idea with their writing talent. The starting chapter starts off in a seemingly skipped timeliness that the reader would only notice why it was off if they read the synopsis. And then the next chapter shows that this was actually the future as it goes back in time a bit. The timeline made it a bit confusing, and the writing quality also dropped in the subsequent 2 chapters I have read compared to the... more>> okay starting chapter, which after reading should've possibly been labeled a prologue instead. <<less
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