Crossing the Line


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Qin Guan was someone who disliked trouble, so she and Jiang Fang quickly agreed to a marriage of convenience. They displayed affection in front of others, but in reality, they had their own set of rules. However, after spending some time together, Qin Guan realized that Jiang Fang was different from how he was described by others. Recalling his fierce demeanor one night, Qin Guan still felt a lingering fear.

One drunken night, Qin Guan…

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Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/12/24 Foxaholic 18 c5
06/08/24 Foxaholic 18 c4
06/08/24 Foxaholic 18 c3
06/03/24 Foxaholic c2
04/13/24 Foxaholic 18 c1
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