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Arie, who lived alone with her younger brother in the deep mountains, one day found herself treating a man covered in blood whom her brother had brought home. As they grew closer, he asked her to leave with him.

However, Arie couldn’t defy her mother’s last wish to never go down the mountain, so she couldn’t follow him. Instead, she waited for Dogeom, who had promised to return. But she never imagined this was the reason behind her mother’s dying wish to live in hiding.

“So, you’re that Xiang Clan woman.”

Golden eyes. A being with an omnipotent power that could heal any wound. Because of this, I, a member of the Xiang Clan, was the prime target for human hunters.

As the assailants who came to capture her grabbed her by the hair and her vision blurred from the turmoil inside her body.

“How dare you lay a hand on what is mine!”

In the distance, she saw the face of her beloved. Dogeom, clad in a black robe adorned with the imperial seal, had arrived.

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Flower Petals
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