Because We Are Brothers


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If you don’t like it, please don’t read it. In short, it is a heavy-mouthed brother s*x story, no explanation (eh) )

is divided into many short stories, which will be posted continuously.

It has been published as a personal journal and includes an unpublished article “The Xu Brothers’ Family Meeting”.

This is a 3-attack-1-suffering buddy story, with a dark side and psychopathic side (be careful!). The process (memories) is slightly sadistic, but the ending is HE, so please feel free to eat it^^

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One entry per line
Related Series
Family S*x S*ave (1)
The Hole My Brothers S**k Every Night (1)
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/11/24 Ka1_roo c16
03/10/24 Ka1_roo c15
03/06/24 Ka1_roo c14
03/03/24 Ka1_roo c13
01/28/24 Ka1_roo c12
01/17/24 Ka1_roo c11
01/11/24 Ka1_roo c10
01/09/24 Ka1_roo c9
01/05/24 Ka1_roo c8
01/01/24 Ka1_roo c7
12/31/23 Ka1_roo c6
12/30/23 Ka1_roo c5
12/30/23 Ka1_roo c4
12/30/23 Ka1_roo c3
12/30/23 Ka1_roo c2
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2 Reviews

Mar 08, 2024
Status: Completed
The story really made me cry in every ch, except for the 1st and the last few ch's. I was here for the meat but I didn't expect a good but twisted story.

MC is a bit of an airhead compared with his brothers, which result to disappointment and abuse of his parents. Eventually, his brothers are influenced by their parents and they begin to ostracized, gradually breaking the MC down (u'll cry reading the flashbacks)

Despite this, it is the MC who comes to their aid in time of crisis... more>> yet they repay with rejection at the last moment, leading to killing the once a good brother (metaphorically) .

Their bond became twisted as they feel that they have no right to love the MC as their brother so they use other form of love to tie the MC and satiate their "regrets", whereas the MC couldn't reject them as he wants to be loved

Downside: I don't feel the justice is reserved here for the MC. I also dislike the manipulative eldest brother <<less
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Feb 12, 2024
Status: c12
I feel like the author hates the MC. I hate myself for reading this shit. The poor MC suffers so much. I hate his brother's as well when did they let the parents hurt him. I feel like they are all selfish except for MC. They only realized their mistake when the MC was about to almost die.
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