A Perfect Match


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The most talented woman in the capital, Gu Junruo, married the most handsome man in the capital, Han Mu. It sounds like a good story, but no one in the capital thinks that this is a good marriage.

Because the most handsome man in the capital has another important title – the number one silk trousers* in the capital!

Sure enough, just as Gu Junruo entered the door, an accident happened at the wedding banquet. Han Mu broke Jiang Huai’s leg, the second son of Marquis Yongping, who came to watch the ceremony. On the third day of their marriage, he was expelled from the capital and was sent to a poor county to serve as the county magistrate.

No one thinks that this is a good marriage, even Han Mu thinks so, and once wanted Gu Junruo to get out of his sea of suffering.

(*T/N: Silk trousers mean ‘frivolous’, often used to describe someone who enjoys the privileges of wealth without necessarily having earned them or appreciating value.)

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Lokilaki rated it
August 23, 2024
Status: c6
So basically Gu Junruo was proposed by two men. She chose Han Mu, for now it was mentioned that she noticed him because of his pretty face. Han Mu breaks leg of another man, that proposed. It was not mentioned but I guess losing to Han Mu, other man find nothing better than go to their wedding and provoke newly made husband.

Story start with Han Mu and Gu Junruo going to province that Han Mu was expelled at as magistrate. Gu Junruo very smart and knowledgeable, and point here although... more>> Han Mu bickering with her, he also listens to her, and more importantly when it come to work he doesn't differentiate between man and woman, so he just making her his legal adviser, although other persuade him with "but she's woman". I had a hutch that Gu Junruo noticed not only him being very handsome but also that he's not sexist, that very rare man for historical times. And that was main reason for her choosing him as her husband and not that other one. Well for now it only my guesses.

So for now I guess more of the story would be of them not exactly falling in love but more going hand in hand on road to success and being married couple of coworkers.

I find story at least for now interesting and going to follow it, it written quite well, also as couple they are going from bickering to sweetness very easily, so romance also not forgotten. Han Mu also not your typical cool cold, but actually very lively, not most knowledgeable but for sure very smart and without prejudices, at least he doesn't have prejudices against women. <<less
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