Uchouten Kazoku


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Fun things are good things! That’s the favorite saying of Yasaburō, third son of the celebrated Shimogamo tanuki clan. Risking the good name of his family, Yasaburō runs wild with his brothers all over the city of Kyōto, where their archrivals, the Ebisugawa clan, hold sway. But things aren’t all rosy for the inexperienced tanuki siblings: Yasaburō’s mentor, a tengu, has fallen head over talons for a beautiful human woman, and their perfidious tanuki rivals are hatching a dastardly plot. Betrayal, strife, and fluffy love await in Morimi’s fantasy masterpiece.

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Eccentric Family
Related Series
Uchouten Kazoku: Nidaime no Kichou (Sequel)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Good quality

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/11/20 Mochiguma Translations c7 part3
06/27/20 Mochiguma Translations c7 part2
06/13/20 Mochiguma Translations c7 part1
05/30/20 Mochiguma Translations c6 part3
05/16/20 Mochiguma Translations c6 part2
05/02/20 Mochiguma Translations c6 part1
04/18/20 Mochiguma Translations c5 part2
04/04/20 Mochiguma Translations c5 part1
03/21/20 Mochiguma Translations c4 part2
03/07/20 Mochiguma Translations c4 part1
02/22/20 Mochiguma Translations c3 part2
02/08/20 Mochiguma Translations c3 part1
01/24/20 Mochiguma Translations c2 part2
01/10/20 Mochiguma Translations c2 part1
12/27/19 Mochiguma Translations c1 part2
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