The Creditor Is My Husband?


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“Get married, with me.”

Giselle Anticia had only three things to her name.

A facade called ‘the Lady of the Barony of Vale’.
An incompetent and extravagant family.
Debts that only seemed to grow no matter how much she paid.

Sometimes, she wanted to escape from it all, but still, she persevered.

“Marry Count Maurice.”

Until her father tried to push her into the role of an elderly nobleman’s bride as repayment for the debts.


Lucas Taylor, the wealthiest man in the kingdom.

Though he was a commoner by birth, it was never a flaw.
In a world where ‘money’ was valued more than the hollow honor of nobility, he wielded the greatest power.

And it was solely because of a woman that he ended up making an absurd ‘investment’.

Giselle Anticia.
His former academy junior and current employee.
She was supposed to become the bride of an elderly nobleman because of her father’s debts.

It was unjust for a smart and talented woman to give up her future for such a reason.
Even the thought of the old man dragging her into bed made him nauseous.

That’s why Lucas made the outrageous proposal.

“Get married, with me.”

The only condition he presented was that he would pay off all her debts.

Despite her impolite gaze that seemed to ask, ‘Are you out of your mind?’, he persisted.

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