The C-Rank Magic Student Who Firmly Believes He’s SSS-Rank


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“…! (This guy, he’s something else!)” “Hehe (I… I don’t stand a chance!)”

“SSS-rank.” The pinnacle of strength achieved by a great hero 400 years ago. After a long time, someone finally reached the same heights as that legendary figure. That person was none other than Shion Ichinose, an ordinary student at Crawford Magic Academy—

—or so the lie goes. In truth, he was a strange individual who got a thrill out of pretending to be a “powerful person hiding their true abilities”…! Shion continued to act like an “SSS-rank” both inside and outside the academy, but his odd behavior would soon involve those around him…?

The misguided heroic tale of an SSS-rank (actually C-rank) magic student begins here!

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C-level magic student who thinks he is SSS class
Jibun o SSS-kyūda to omoikonde iru C-kyū majutsu gakusei
The C-Rank Magic Student Who Firmly Believes He’s SSS-Rank (LN)
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