Princess Bibliophile


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When book-loving Lady Elianna spots Prince Christopher— her betrothed in name only— consorting with another noble lady, she realizes the recent rumors must be true. The prince has someone he truly loves, which means the annulment of their engagement is both inevitable and fast-approaching.

What she doesn’t realize is that this is merely a surface ripple— one of many where the truth runs deep, in a conspiracy surpassing her imagination!

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Bibliophile Princess
Related Series
The Noble Girl Who Had Her Engagement Broken Off, Today as Well Pushes the Prince off from the Tower (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Jnovels
  2. Recommend
  3. Japanese
  4. JP Villainess novels with manga adaption
  5. My Female Protag List [JP]

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/17/20 J-Novel Club v1 part1
12/04/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers v1 ss 5 part2
11/26/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers v1 ss 5 part1
11/19/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers v1 ss 4
11/13/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers v1 ss 3 part2
11/06/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers v1 ss 3 part1
10/31/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers v1 ss 2
10/24/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers v1 ss 1 part2
10/17/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers v1 ss 1 part1
10/10/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers v1 extra part2
10/03/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers v1 extra part1
09/26/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers v1c5
09/21/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers v1c4 part3
09/15/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers v1c4 part2
09/06/19 Whimsical Star-Gazers v1c4 part1
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2 Reviews sorted by

ZeroXOXO rated it
July 8, 2020
Status: v4
Update (Volume 4) - Lowered a star because while still cute, the pacing has tapered off into a snail's pace. Excessive padding. Wish FL's brain prowess came in more often, but at least she is assertive whenever books and knowledge are involved. Her heart is in the right place, but the writing could really be improved to deliver a better story. It might be a personal gripe since I don't seem to be a fan of how odd the sentence structure and word choices sound? But that may be due... more>> to me not being accustomed to reading Japanese grammar.

Although this has a light-touch of misunderstanding/miscommunication (mainly because the FL is stubborn and oblivious to all those irrelevant to her interest in books), the FL is not weak. Story is about her growing out of her little shell.

Even if she doesn't realize it herself, she often drops tidbit of useful information for the ML. Story emphasizes that knowledge is mightier than the sword.

ML is very lovesick, but makes sense so because Eli is such a lovable (but dense) cutie.

I would recommend if you relate to an introverted book lover who is finally starting to grow up and notice those around her. A heartwarming, classic shoujo. Also, the illustrations in both the manga and novel are SO cute! <<less
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4ltera rated it
March 12, 2021
Status: v5
The first time I read this I had great expectations with the story, perhaps this will be something new..

But no. The progress suddenly slowing down to snail's pace, more and more unnecessary drama. Dragging too long with the misunderstanding, miscommunication, and cheap dramas involving FL becomes more unbearable.

Then, I know the pattern after 5 volumes. Elli will find a struggle that forces her to develop as character, but strangely ML will always away from Elli to support her. He will just become a Deus Ex Machina who appear near the... more>> end of every volume to save Elli, doing lovely-dovely and kiss, then next volume all development disappear and irrelevant because we will get another cheap drama. Like all Elli achievement from volume pass didn't affect the story at all. <<less
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