Miracle: Dear to me


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Bai Zongyi, excelling in both his studies and his character and aspiring to study medicine, never imagined that he would be forced to pick up an injured creature when picking up money on his way home. Having not only a sharp tongue and picky eating habits, but also arrogantly taking over his home, the appearance of Fan Zherui in his life causes Bai Zongyi a little distress, but also adds vitality to the boring high school days.

Looking at Bai Zongyi, who works hard and studies hard to improve himself, it was as if Fan Zherui was seeing his former self. Once, he did the same, but as much as he tried he was forced to give up. So he became a gangster, stuck in the middle and unsure of what to do with his life. Only Bai Zongyi has confidence in him.

The two people who seemingly should never have met keep meeting, drawn together like the opposite poles of a magnet. But as Fan Zherui’s enemy comes once again to his door, the lives of the straight-A student and the gangster are flipped upside down with the firing of a gun…

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Kiseki: Dear to me
奇蹟 Kiseki: Dear to me
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