Holy War Concerto -The Case Where I, a Person With No Talent and Amnesia, Became a First-Class Orchestra Leader While Working as the Princess’s Personal Butler in a Different World Where Magic Is Performed Through Music


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When I woke up, I found myself in an unknown place and time, with amnesia

In a different world where magic is based on music, I was picked up by a princess who is a first-class pianist and beautiful in appearance, and I was made the princess’s personal butler and a student at the magic school.

I’m the princess’s butler and a student at the magic school, and I also have other duties…

I’m constantly faced with a series of challenges, and all I can do is let out a sigh every day, but I manage somehow, with a cup of coffee in my hand.

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1 Review

Nov 21, 2023
Status: v2c30
Story setting is interesting, and the way they use magic is pretty novel, but there is really not much going on, the world building is non existent, and the character development is pretty shallow so far.

The translation is also very bad, I would say that worse than MTL, I could barely understand who is talking most of the time, people would even change names from one paragraph to the next one, and the gramma is even worse.
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