Demons’ Crest


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The world’s first full-dive immersive VRMMO-RPG 《Actual Magic (AM)》was held for test play.
Two siblings, Yuuma and Sawa, successfully defeat a dungeon boss. However, the happy ending never came to pass. Yuma falls unconscious and wakes up in a new world where Actual Magic and reality has merged. Confused and unable to comprehend the situation, he is confronted by the class beauty Sumika Watamaki who has now been tragically deformed into a “Monster.”

Reki Kawahara presents… Following VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality), the future, that is Mixed Reality. A death game in MR (Mixed Reality)!

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05/09/23 ejacob99 v1c10
04/08/23 ejacob99 v1c9
03/08/23 ejacob99 v1c8
03/06/23 ejacob99 v1c7
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