ALLBLACK – Phase#1: Project (Red Lambda Thesis)


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Last night I woke up without any recollection of what happened to me, just like I was born yesterday.

But then again, you can’t prove the existence of “past.”

You could have just been born right now and your whole memory was fabricated.

That is what I am feeling right now; lost, confused, and unsure.

So yes, I might have just been born last night, but somehow my “past” is chasing me.

I can’t remember it, but apparently I caused a private aircraft to crash.

Damn, I wish I can just remember something!

My name, I don’t even remember my own name! But why?

Why instead of my own name, I know who is responsible for what happened to me?

That’s not all, I’m not even sure that I am human. Not after what happened today.

I literally stopped rain. No, not like that. I didn’t turn the weather from pouring to sunny, no.

But I, how do I put it…

I made thousands of raindrops cease to fall, suspending them into the air as if gravity don’t work around me.

I understand, I think I will have to put an end to this.

My name is ———, let me tell you a story about me.

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10/26/16 Indonesian Story... v1c1
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