A Scarred Omega


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On my way home from work, I picked up a heavily injured omega. When I saw him, he was curled up on the ground, dirty and disheveled, looking extremely miserable. As I approached, even though I didn’t do anything, he trembled in fear all over his body. But his eyes were fierce and vicious, showing two sharp fangs that could bite people.

At first, I didn’t want to take him home because he was so aggressive. But his pheromones smelled so good. He was shivering in fear, looking so pitiful. I treated him, showed him compassion, and saved him. I held him in my arms and took care of him, giving him the confidence to start anew.

#Probably a story about picking up a prodigy from the mud and falling in love#

[Content Warning] First person perspective, Female Alpha and Male Omega, Male lead has been abused, Female lead is not gentle, may be considered hurt/comfort.

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Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume rated it
June 7, 2023
Status: c54
This author handled the relationship between an abusive victim and a brusque yet caring alpha pretty well. The outline of Omegaverse empire culture is extremely bleak. The MC is truly an ordinary person who rejects her society, but does not believe herself to have any power to change it.

The ML was plotted against, betrayed, and then taken advantage of by familiar people. Several years passed before his escape despite (or maybe because of) so many high level people being involved. He is naturally unwilling to be honest, even to his... more>> savior. He had an escape mentality and blames everything on himself. At some level, he doesn’t think he deserves to be saved. This victim mentality is explored rather naturally through the progression of the story.

The MC is an office worker with a bad temper. She saves the omega ML and takes him home on a whim. She figures out most of what the ML has experienced through observation and does her best not to force him, until his su*cide attempt and follow up plan to leave silently finally force out her anger. She tells him to leave if he wants to leave, something that almost becomes an irredeemable mistake due to the innate danger presented by his old captors.

This isn’t a fluffy story, but it does have a happy ending. I am looking forward to reading the extras later. The story does not depict many details of the torture, but there is enough for the reader to fill in the blanks.

The author left a disclaimer from the first chapter that this story might not be for everyone since they did not plan to hold back on the dark side of omega society. One particular scene stood out to me. I believe this scene exists to show exactly what type of society the characters have been exposed to since birth and how it has desensitized them to cruelty. The MC in particular became somewhat withdrawn and emotionless after finding the ‘consequences’ of ‘kindness’.


The ML asks why the MC saved him (even after he ran away and committed su*cide). The MC then thinks about this and had a flashback to when she was younger on a snowy day. She went to a bus stop to wait and saw a scene of gang r*pe against an omega across the street. There was already a crowd observing and even commenting on the live action performance as they too waited for the bus. Some laughed and some pitied, but no one went forward to help the omega. The rapists walked away and no one stopped them or called the police. The atmosphere of the scene was only one step away from victim blaming. The MC walked up to this omega who trembled and said they couldn’t take anymore. The MC gave them their scarf and said they should look for shelter from the snow. The omega was startled and thanked her. The MC left. The next day the MC found out from the news that this person was found dead in a pavilion with signs of further assault.

The MC took this rather personally. She wondered if the omega might have been safer if she had not interfered. If the omega would not have gained hope and let down their guard due to her show of kindness the next time an alpha approached. Tbh, she should have realized that irresponsible kindness that is shown only halfway is not wrong but also not right. The omega might have been fine if she had personally led them to a safer location than a park pavilion. Where in her society is actually safe? Many comments show how normal and even expected this behavior is in her society. Would the police even prosecute such an incident?

This scene highlights the innate cruelness around the MC’s growing environment. She is a rather decent adult despite not having any life mentors and her lacking parental guidance. She has little desire to commit such actions to innocent omega herself despite alpha nature and the normalcy of such crime. She admits her excitement at the concept of bondage, but does not act on such impulses. She is not a hero nor a villain.

The MC reflects that she is not sure why she stepped forward into that alley to save the MC. She is certain in retrospect that she is not a kind enough person to do such a thing on a normal day, but she does not regret picking him up even once. She panics and misses him when he disappears. She internally labels him like a possession, but externally treats him well. She respects his emotional boundaries and his personal will. She does nothing to restrain him despite accepting him somewhat one sidedly as her omega. She is realistic that he needs time and may not accept her back. She is inevitably hurt when he rejects her, even if his intent was to protect her. She doesn’t once do anything to hurt him. At the same time, she keeps a proper distance from other omega. She does not accept any ambiguity from her omega coworker.


That this happened doesn’t matter much within the bounds of a fictional story, but there is actual psychological phenomenon where it’s harder to seek help from a crowd than from an individual. People have a fluke mentality that someone else will step forward first, yet no one steps forward. This is why you should always point out an individual from the crowd to call 911 even if it’s by yelling out “hey you! Yeah, you in the xxx jacket. Call 911.” Never just plead “Someone please call 911” and expect immediate follow up. It’s human nature to hesitate in an emergency without explicit orders or training, as terrible as that sounds. People do usually want to help (unlike the incident described in the spoiler), but they also want to cede way to more those qualified when they are not the only one available. It’s part instinct, part wanting to avoid trouble, part wanting to avoid causing more trouble. <<less
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