Stuff I read that I actually like

Stuff I read that I actually like
I read a lot of garbage, and there is a lot of unintelligble MTL amongst it, but I figured I could put the stuff I actually like (with GOOD TRANSLATION done BY A HUMAN) out there in an actual ranking. I'll take reccomendations in the comments and give em a read as well, I would read just about anything at this point as long as it isn't Yaoi.  Stuff will move around depending on the quality of the current chapters, and stuff may get removed if the translation takes a nosedive.
0 672 9
Created: Aug 26th, 2024, Updated: Sep 9th, 2024
Created Aug 26th, 2024
Updated Sep 9th, 2024
JP (4.3)
151 Chapters Every 1 Day(s) 1240 Readers 10 Reviews 10-06-2024
I will preface this by saying, the "gender bender" and reincarnation bit is entirely irrelevant. Seems to be something tagged on to draw an initial audience, since it is basically only mentioned in the first couple chapters of the first volume. ... more>>
KR (3.7)
52 Chapters Every 2.6 Day(s) 241 Readers 0 Reviews 10-05-2024
This is literally just what if during WW2 instead of the Japanese Empire we had the Korean Empire, their governments and policy are nearly identical) Their alliances and wars are the exact same, the only difference is that for some reason (presumably Paradox players) the author was like "yeah, it makes sense to send a volunteer force to fight in Spain".  No idea where the tragedy is.... more>>
JP (4.5)
101 Chapters Every 23.5 Day(s) 8518 Readers 59 Reviews 05-06-2024
Note: Likely to drop if I ever find a Reverend Insanity translation that isn't horrible.... more>>
KR (4.3)
354 Chapters Every 1.7 Day(s) 7825 Readers 124 Reviews 10-05-2024
Pretty good, translation is leaps and bounds ahead of average. I did like the old site more, but hey it is what it is. Not exactly great at summarizing stories myself but I'll give it a go.... more>>
KR (4.6)
106 Chapters Every 2.1 Day(s) 1613 Readers 16 Reviews 10-05-2024
SCP but MOSTLY slice of life (with hints of an overarching plot that hasn't actually started fully rearing its head yet), everyone knows about them... more>>
KR (4.2)
86 Chapters Every 2.2 Day(s) 1656 Readers 6 Reviews 10-05-2024
Ignore every single word of the title. Sure, it is technically true and YES the story is objectively not that good but I mean, everyone... more>>
KR (4.5)
282 Chapters Every 1.7 Day(s) 5103 Readers 59 Reviews 10-05-2024
A totally petty criminal with absoloutely nothing special about him gets arrested for illegal gambling and thrown into what amounts to any well known South-American prison (no guards, just prisoners) that can and WILL kill you at the slightest provacation. Ok, so the "petty" and "nothing special" part about him was a lie, and THAT'S the draw of the story. The main character is a walking bundle of unknown, even to the reader he is an unreliable narrator. The first half of the story is steeped in foreshadowing, light manipulation and of course a constant stream of lies that made the readers constantly guess the next events in the comments as it released.... more>>
KR (4.4)
29 Chapters Every 4.9 Day(s) 252 Readers 1 Reviews 08-26-2024
You ever play CK3 and decide "man I think I should make a Genius, Strong, Giant, Herculean, Beautiful, Athletic, Viking and raid the everloving sh*t out of Europe"? I know I do, and that's why I read this novel. I'll quite possibly drop it when the "romance" gets involved, but as of chapter 27 I haven't seen any and can reccomend it. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, that's for the best. Just read it as a Viking story.... more>>
KR (4.2)
89 Chapters Every 0.9 Day(s) 1206 Readers 7 Reviews 10-06-2024
I don't normally go for Academy titles and the translation and formatting oif the website on this one IS definitely lesser quality than the rest on here but I am finding some moderate enjoyment.... more>>
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