Zion’s Garden


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Jung-won, born the son of a prostitute and now a doctor. Zion, molded into a top star by his father from birth. After losing his mother, Jung-won loses his purpose as a doctor, until an offer arrives: keep Zion alive until the end of his world tour. “Don’t think of it as being a doctor; think of it as making money.” He vowed that after three months, it wouldn’t matter if Zion swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills or slit his wrists in the bathtub. But—

“No doctor gives drugs to a patient like that.” “You said you weren’t a doctor.”

The moment I saw my fallen angel, drugged and limp in the sprawling castle hidden deep in the mountains, I knew I shouldn’t have come here.

“A doctor can’t turn away poor Zion.” “I refuse. I refuse… I absolutely refuse, Kim Zion.”

My patient. My Zion. He knew from the start. He knew I would never be able to turn him away. If only I’d known it would end like this, would I have been kinder to you?

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