Zero Kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho


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Year 526 of the Liturgical Calendar.

The world knew that witches existed, and that they practiced the notorious art of sorcery.

Nevertheless, the world did not know anything about the study of magic.

Our story follows a half-man, half-beast mercenary; humans mockingly call his kind the “fallen beasts”.

He always dreamt of becoming a human, but one day, he met a witch who would change his life forever.

“Do you desire a human form? Then be my escort, mercenary!”

The witch introduced herself as “Zero”, and explained that she was searching for a one-of-a-kind magical tome that bandits had stolen from her lair. Entitled “The Book of Zero”, the grimoire supposedly contained valuable magical knowledge that could be used to effortlessly bring the world to its knees.

Thus, in order to realize his dream of becoming a human, the mercenary must accompany Zero on her journey—despite her being one of the witches he so loathed.

This is the story of a haughty sorceress and a kindhearted beast.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Grimoire of Zero
Magic Book to Start from Zero
Zero Mahou
Related Series
Mahoutsukai Reimeiki (Sequel)
Akashic Records of the Bastard Magical Instructor (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Non-humans and their meng pt.3
  2. Good stuff
  3. J/K novel
  4. Temporary
  5. fantasy themed

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/04/22 Light Novels Translations v11c6 part7
09/03/22 Light Novels Translations v11c6 part6
09/03/22 Light Novels Translations v11c6 part5
08/28/22 Light Novels Translations v11c6 part4
08/28/22 Light Novels Translations v11c6 part3
08/27/22 Light Novels Translations v11c6 part2
08/26/22 Light Novels Translations v11c6 part1
08/25/22 Light Novels Translations v11c5 part5
08/21/22 Light Novels Translations v11c5 part4
08/20/22 Light Novels Translations v11c5 part3
08/19/22 Light Novels Translations v11c5 part2
08/14/22 Light Novels Translations v11c5 part1
08/14/22 Light Novels Translations v11c4 part7
08/13/22 Light Novels Translations v11c4 part6
08/07/22 Light Novels Translations v11c4 part5
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10 Reviews sorted by

GensouGoroshi rated it
August 16, 2016
Status: --
ZeroMahou so far is a great fantasy adventure novel that features various amusing lighthearted moments and banter between our main duo while also incorporating very real world issues such as the kind of impact prejudice can have in society. This adds to the setting and already exceptional world building for ZeroMahou while properly balancing between the lighthearted and serious tone of the series. Additionally, our 2 main characters are fun to follow and have great chemistry as they both grow chapter to chapter and our non-human protagonist gradually accepting Zero.... more>> ZeroMahou progresses at a steady pace which allows you to be easily immersed into the setting with its detailed descriptions of the location and its functions. I highly recommend picking it up and giving it a read. <<less
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Aoitenshi rated it
April 19, 2016
Status: --
Amazingly detailed and easy to read explanation on magic and sorcery. The characters are lovable, too.
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YoriMei rated it
May 22, 2018
Status: v2c3
I honestly love this story, I originally started reading it because of the anime but the novel is definitely a gem. Zero and mercenary's relationship and banter are both adorable and funny. Zero's power level is also handled very nicely as she never once comes off as "overpowered" but simply very strong compared to everyone else. Since Zero created the whole book of magic that everyone is learning from, it makes sense that she is able to utilize magic in ways other's don't know how to. The translations flow very... more>> well and are some of the easiest to read I have ever experienced. If you're looking for a novel about a fantasy adventure, please try this one. <<less
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ln670190 rated it
March 7, 2017
Status: v1 illustrations
To be honest, I never really tried reading this because I assumed the protagonist was going to be the girl on the cover and that it was some type of shoujo novel. When I looked into it and saw the non-human protagonist tag I was like,

"E-e-ehh? I dunno... I'll get back to this later... haha..."

However, now that I've got nothing to read, I can only say that YOU'VE GOT TO READ THIS. The novel is awesome, the translator is awesome, the editor is awesome, everything is awesome. It's so... more>> awesome I'm going to download the Japanese raws and practice reading Japanese using Nanodesu's translation. Totally glad I decided to read this when Nanodesu's about to finish translating the first volume. <<less
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Morphin007 rated it
April 30, 2017
Status: v1c2 part1
This series seems promising, but the 1st chapter is pretty bad....

It's clear that it's author want to tell the story about Zero and the mercenary but didn't really thought about their meeting.

He should hate witches but can sit and share food without much problems and even think that only bad witches should be hunt by the church.... So sorry but he doesn't hate witches at all.

In the same way he meet zero for the first time and struck by her beauty (I don't even know why main characters are always... more>> depicted with goddess beauty...) and a few moment later keep thinking about how he'd love a wife that will love him.... Seriously ? Why not just making think that when she said she could turn him human ? It's just clear that the author want to pair them...

Plus her beauty is completly crushed by the artworks (she look like a ten years old girl in them, clearly far from the beauty he stated except if he is a pe*vert....) <<less
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cosme7 rated it
March 28, 2023
Status: Completed
I just finished reading it and I hope this review helps you decide whether to give the book a chance or not :P


Story ★★★★ - A good story, with a world-building that I felt the need to see more of this world, I found the end very abrupt, and that it was slightly rushed at the end, the Magic itself I found the concept and how interesting is used in the work.

... more>> -

Character ★★★★ - There are several characters in the work, some do not need development, they serve to move the story along, as much as I like the interaction between Mercenary and Zero, I thought he lacked a little development, it was dense until the end work without any need, unlike other works in which the dense character is boring, bordering on unbearable, the Author managed to make him not be those boring MC's that make you want to drop the work, in relation to other characters like Father and Lily para It was great for me to see their interaction, and especially the development of Father, Lily and some other characters, however small their development was XD.

When I complain about the development of Mercenary, it's about his relationship with Zero in the sense of "romance", even at the time the Author put this, that their "loving" interaction had been properly developed, because without that Zero could be a man, and it wouldn't have any problem to work.


Art ★★★★☆ - 9/10, Zero has the body of a girl from whatever... 13 years old? In certain covers, it is completely out of tune with the art within the work.


Enjoyment ★★★ - Precisely because I think the ending was abrupt and we missed seeing more of this world, that's why I give a 6/10 here, interaction with other parts of the world, meeting the other Judges of Dea Ignis, other witches, there was potential in that, and I don't say that the author threw it away, he simply put it aside, or saw no need for it. That's why for me the ending was "slightly" rushed.


General ★★★☆ - 7/10, I think it's fair, even more that volume 11 I didn't like, half of the volume with side stores that could have been calmly put in the point it was in the work, of course starting from the point that the Author he already had the story assembled in his head from the beginning, or simply, if he had continued the Epilogue given a more closed ending, half of the last volume the stories there were very thrown, in other words too random for the last volume.


If you read this review thank you very much and may God bless you! <<less
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Elfquiston rated it
June 9, 2022
Status: v1 illustrations
(ex. V10c1)

Wonderful, one of the best novels I've read, nothing about a protagonist with gifted powers or a massive harem that distracts from the main story and the good dynamics between the main characters
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Temp950 rated it
May 17, 2022
Status: v7
Pretty good story but has a really boring arc midway that drags on for way too long, with the antagonist just leading the MC and zero around. There are also some annoying plot holes that drive the story onwards but really make no sense. But overall it is entertaining enough, and the translation is flawless.
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Argo_ rated it
May 20, 2024
Status: Completed
ok so I came here because im a furry :v

First things first, the pacing. The pacing was rather good for the former parts of the novel then took a fast turn when nearing the end. MC is naive in a good way that makes the story engaging. Side characters has more development than MC if I may say. World building and the magic system is nop notch, Ill gladly read a whole book with just the world building and the magic ngl.

Tl;dr Good read, would gladly read again
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BlackPlague rated it
September 22, 2022
Status: v11c6p7
i dont know why people cant differentiate boring and peace.

anyway the story is so relaxing thay a got upset when it ended.

sadly we didnt get to hear their real names, and no more illustrations. But every illustration is a work of art, especially thirteen, tho he lost 3 things, still a good deal in the uptake haha.

and surprisingly, there is cake at the end of the story, in which we didnt get any illustration of zero setting on top of mercenary, but I can ask my brain cells to generate... more>> an appropriate image. <<less
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