Zerg Race: My Master


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“Time changes many things, but the one thing that remains constant is my love for you.”

Soul-transferred Male Zerg × Obedient Female Zerg

Note: First person, main focus on the receiver.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
Exploring the Primitive Tribe of the Zerg Race (Same Franchise)
Wanderer of the Zerg (Same Franchise)
Recommendation Lists
  1. cute Zerg stories
  2. Zerg novels
  3. Zerg BL
  4. Zerggggs!!!

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/07/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c22
09/07/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c21
09/07/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c20
09/07/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c19
09/06/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c18
09/04/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c17
09/03/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c16
09/02/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c15
09/01/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c14
08/29/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c13
08/27/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c12
08/25/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c11
08/22/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c10
08/20/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c9
08/18/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c8
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2 Reviews sorted by

New Fisukisuki rated it
September 10, 2024
Status: Completed
It's rare reading a Zerg novel where the MC is the Female Zerg Shou, and not the Gong.

But when it's finally here... It's so Emotional and Heavy on the Shou's pov.

It's a story where the MC feeling like he drown in Guilt even though ML Loving and never blame him at all.

... more>> But it's also a flaw of ML where he didn't know a certain culture that made MC drown in long years of sadness and guilt.

But but but... The story is not That 'Heavy'. It didn't gave me headaches. It's just Emotional and pray for their happiness.

Of course it's HE. Also the angst itself only One-sided and doesn't written too much nor too little.

Anyway it's still Great and Worth reading. Please do try <<less
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New damnmei rated it
August 19, 2024
Status: Completed
Written in first person POV, which typically isn't my preference, but I ended up enjoying this short story quite a lot! The world in this follows the typical Zerg dynamic of the female being physically stronger and the male having more societal power, though ML being a transmigrator shifts these dynamics for the main couple.

MC is a pretty unreliable narrator, and I definitely changed my perspective (in a positive way) about ML a lot as more was revealed in the plot. The twist in the middle had me reeling, and... more>> the ending was very sweet after all the angst. Its very short, and the extras wrap things up nicely. Definitely recommend this one! <<less
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